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This is Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay Click HERE on this line to find essays via Your-Key-Words. {Most frequent wordstarts of each essay will be put here.} ========================================================== %SALVATION FROM ALIENATION THROUGH CONVERSATION 880117 People who are in need of salvation are alienated from other persons. The essence of hell and damnation is alienation; the inability to be true to your deepest self in intimate dialogue, conversation and cooperation with others. The conversion from alienation to communal and personal integrity involves conversation, a keeping of honest company with, and so an authentic turning to others for desired stimulation and interchange. Authentic dialogue with an honest and open exchange of ideas, opinions, feelings, experiences, etc. is the opposite of alienation. One form of alienation is over specialization of the kind of company one keeps, and in the kinds of conversation in which one participates. In the extreme cases, over specialization with regards to the kinds of company and conversation one participates in, constitute alienation from those whose company one does not keep, and with whom one is never in dialogue. Specialists are in danger of becoming alienated from each other and from non- specialists---to the extent that they become unable to be in dialogue, cooperation and conversation with such different other people. It is not very meaningful to be in conversation with others who are just like you are. The more alike two people are, the less meaningful is their conversation. Conversations between alike people cannot convert them from being isolated to being integrated into their community as a whole. Meaningful conversation takes place between people who are significantly different from each other. The more meaningful the difference between two person the greater may be their conversation; when intimate dialogue is fulfilled through their efforts to meet and come to know each other intimately. Such conversation is not easy. It may threaten the collusions of the participants, and make them uncomfortable, embarrassed. Even so, they may become converted and become more whole as persons through such meaningful conversations. (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================