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This-essay is a8603151.htm which is available at the web-site See more notes at the bottom. Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay By-Months By-Years By-Words Webs of Like-&-Un-Like ESSAYS <==> Like-&-UN-Like This-One ========================================================== %IMPORTANT PERCEPTIONS & STATEMENTS 860315 Some perceptions and statements are more important than are others. It is important to perceive and communicate differences in the importance of our various perceptions and statements. We do so via our perceptions of and statements about our ideals, values, goals, priorities, assumptions, transcendent beliefs, hopes, fears, faith, etc. Such perceptions and statements play transcendent roles in guiding our decisions and actions in personal and communal behaviors; both formal and emotional. Some of our most important perceptions and statements are not recognized as such because they are so central to our being and doing that it is close to impossible to imagine taking seriously contradictory or complementary perceptions and statements. Those perceptions and statements which are most important to us often tend to dominate our perceptual framework and language; pushing aside contradictory and/or complementary paradigms and language. We tend to regard such exclusivity as being justified by the great importance of our most important perceptions and affirmations; being willing to sacrifice that which is of lesser importance in the service of that which is of greater importance. Such exclusivity dominates our lives and communities the absence of the important perception and affirmation of the centrality of unity and integrity in maintaining the coherent viability of our communities' open and honest communication---which serve as the means of unification and integration of our communities when disintegration threatens them. This important perception is often pushed aside in the name of serving the claims of other perceptions and affirmation. Such fanatical service leads to disintegration: holy wars, rampant nationalism, infallible doctrines, nuclear arms races, excommunications, and in general the expansion of alienation and communal disintegration---until what was a community becomes an arbitrary collection of people without-unity. These considerations are not scientific---because the are inherently self-referential. Compulsively objective people are not qualified to contribute to the transcendence of disintegrative tendencies because they are trapped by their paradigm and are illustrating disintegrative tendencies. (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in Search for Integrity and Honesty (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================
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