This-essay is a8506091.htm which is available at the web-site See more notes at the bottom. Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay By-Months By-Years By-Words Webs of Like-&-Un-Like ESSAYS <==> Like-&-UN-Like This-One ========================================================== %MEANINGFUL COMMUNAL AFFIRMATIONS 850609 Our greatest satisfactions flow from communally affirmed behavior which thereby has meaning and significance which transcend individual desires. Definitions of symbols, words and behaviors do not given them meaning in as significant a way as do communal affirmations give meaning and significance to human behaviors thereby affirmed. Individuality chosen definitions do not occasion satisfaction in the same way as communally affirmed behavior occasion satisfaction. The affirmation of the behavior occasions satisfaction which is enjoyed again and again upon repeating the behavior which enjoys communal affirmation; even though each time the behavior is not reaffirmed. Communal affirmation of a behavior has enduring positive reinforcement which transcends affirmations by isolated individuals. A collection or sequence of estranged people can not give meaning and satisfaction to behavior as can an integrated coherent community through communal affirmations. Some behaviors do not occasion satisfaction and a sense of meaning due to a lack of appropriate communal affirmations. Communities may fail to affirm behaviors which are essential to the continuity of the integrity of the community. Such communities as a result disintegrate. That which is not done can be as importance in absence as that which is done. The failure to take positive steps can be more tragic that the act of taking foolish negative steps. Sins of omission can be more alienative than other sins of commission. To fail to communally affirm essential integrative behavior can lead to the disintegration of a community and so to its death. Communities which fail to communally affirm integrative behavior disintegrate and die. Open and honest dialogue which involves active mutual listening as an essential aspect of giving and sharing constituted essential integrative behavior for which it is essential that there be communal affirmations to give continuity and meaning. The promotion of the freedom to be open and honest in vulnerable intimate personal relationships is essential to the continuity of a community's integrity. Absent communal affirmations of such communication freedoms the community disintegrates. (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in Search for Integrity and Honesty (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================Lines beginning with a percent sign are KEYWORDS for use in ESSAY-System Searches. Their terminal digits are dates of writing in the format @yymmdd#, where @ = a means 99, @ = b means 20, and # = is a within-date essay-count. Links to date-adjacent essays are near page top & bottom.
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