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This-essay is a8001191.htm which is available at the web-site See more notes at the bottom. Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay By-Months By-Years By-Words Webs of Like-&-Un-Like ESSAYS <==> Like-&-UN-Like This-One ========================================================== %HUMAN INTEGRITY 800119 Personal integrity is rare in a society that has taught its members to reject essential aspects of being human; e.g., curiosity, intuition, fantasy, openness, honesty, sexuality, affection, assertiveness, etc. It is the very rare person who affirms such essential aspects of being human in a society that is hostile to them. Isolated affirmations are likely to be repressed by the society. It is only when individuals successfully find each other and cooperate in their affirmations---that they are likely to succeed in ways which will slowly change the society. Members of a society need each other's affirmations of their essential human aspects; especially when their culture is perverted and is repressing those essential aspects. Intellectual affirmations are one step towards full affirmation. Intellectual affirmations of the essential aspects of being human may pave the way for mutual affirmation in being and doing, but they are no substitute for being and doing as regards those essential aspects. Learned discussions of sexual relationships are not a substitute for participating in sexual relationships. Books on affection are not a substitute for participating in affectionate personal relationships. The statement that openness and honesty are virtues is no substitute for living in a sub-culture that loves people when they are open and honest. The affirmation of official fantasies is no substitute for being loved when you share a personal fantasy which does not conform to the cultural norm. Artists often affirm essential human aspects with more insight and sympathy than do intellectuals, rationalists, scientists, and their like. Through painting, sculptures, drama, dance, movies, music, etc. they portray ways of being and doing which transcend the repressions of the society. It is difficult for technocrats to control artistic expressions because they can not perceive them and their meaning well enough to know when their technocratic rules, laws, policies, collusions, and taboos are being transcended. Thus artists can do more to promote human integrity in the face of technocratic repression---than can technocratic intellectual. The artists do so by communicating what it means to be fully human by acting out and visually portraying what it is like to be and do in fully humane ways. (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in Search for Integrity and Honesty (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================
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