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This-essay is a7709191.htm which is available at the web-site See more notes at the bottom. Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay By-Months By-Years By-Words Webs of Like-&-Un-Like ESSAYS <==> Like-&-UN-Like This-One ========================================================== %MENTAL HEALTH RIGHTS 770919 Mental health is threatened by the absence of mental health rights. When we are vulnerable to unloving and abusive treatment with respect to our mental health, we are prompted to take self-excommunicative self-protective stances which undermine our mental health. If we can not trust others to treat us justly according to due process procedures when our mental health is questioned, we must take steps to conceal deviance with respect to mental health issues. Thus, lack of due-process with respect to mental health promotes mental disorders which are profitable to the professions which neglect to provide due process procedures for their patients. In the absence of adequate legal requirements (for due-process procedures to protect mental patients from corrupt psychiatric practice) psychiatrists are granted such undue concentrations of power as to corrupt them in proportion to the amount of unchecked power which they are granted. It is a terrifying thing for a person accused of mental ill-health to be "tried" without due-process by a psychiatrist (who does not stand for re-election) and be "imprisoned" by a finding of mental incompetence (which may not be appealed to a higher court.) When this is possible many citizens become vulnerable to collusions between administrators and psychiatrists who appear to have the welfare of mental patients as their primary concern. The above situation is particularly tragic (in the classical Greek sense) when the mentally disturbed citizen is the employee of a corporation which lacks adequate grievance/appellate procedures, and the mentally disturbed citizen has a grievance against a person favored by a high level administrator who is not closely monitored by any superior. In such a situation the grievance may be blocked by the high level administrator treating the grievant's complaints as originating in mental confusion-- -without the administrator ever objectively seeking the facts via an unbiased due-process hearing with the usual safeguards enforced. The injustice is compounded if the administrator gets the cooperation of the grievant's psychiatrist---in ignoring the grievant's legitimate complaints against the administrator's favored subordinate. Such injustice may well trigger a nervous breakdown which will lend creedance to the administrator's judgment against the grievant. (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in Search for Integrity and Honesty (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================
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