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This-essay is a7312143.htm which is available at the web-site See more notes at the bottom. Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay By-Months By-Years By-Words Webs of Like-&-Un-Like ESSAYS <==> Like-&-UN-Like This-One ========================================================== %TRUTH VERSUS COMMITMENT 731214 In the frame of reference of the natural scientist the truth of a statement is independent of persons' commitment to it. Also, truth as a category is associated almost exclusively with abstract statements. Real persons do not live within that limited framework. The truth of a statement may be dependent upon the commitment of persons to it. This is obvious when the statement implicitly or explicitly deals with the person making the statement. The aroused lover who says, "I love you" may be speaking an intentional lie; or he may be stating an already existent truth; or, by speaking, he may be creating the truth which he speaks --- even though with the passage of time the created truth may die and be reborn. In the same way, the scientist who acts toward reality as if it were merely objective processes, may through his acts be creating the truth value of his incarnation. This is not to say that we have the power to validate all imaginable truth values by incarnation. To date no historic person has validated his conviction that he could fly un-aided by jumping off a high place. Not all potential truths can be incarnate via personal commitment to them. At the same time there are many truths which are without power until some persons are united in their incarnation of them. The natural scientist's image of truth is limited. To the extent that society uncritically internalizes the natural scientist's image of truth society is enslaved. Traditional science education tends to coerce students into internalizing the natural scientists' image of truth; because that image is not explicitly considered and compared to various other images of truth. A helpful major in science would include the examination of many of the fundamental assumptions of scientists, so that the student need not become the victim of those assumptions, and of the attitudes and emotional responses, associated with them. We need to avoid unintentional brainwashing. Liberal Arts Education should liberate students, rather than enslave them to dominant unexamined assumptions. (c) 1999 by Paul A. Smith in GO: "Search for Integrity and Honesty" (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================
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