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This-essay is a7311043.htm which is available at the web-site See more notes at the bottom. Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay By-Months By-Years By-Words Webs of Like-&-Un-Like ESSAYS <==> Like-&-UN-Like This-One ========================================================== %OBJECTIVITY AND SENSITIVITY 731104 For the natural scientist the normative state of consciousness is one which is characterized by objectivity. This involves a detached approach to the system one analyzes. Natural scientists as scientists analyze isolated systems, and it is valuable to be able to be in full control of any slight variations from full isolation of a system. In a controlled experiment there is a variation in only one, or at most very few, variables; otherwise the system under observation is hopefully an isolated system. The scientist maintains a personally detached approach toward such systems in order to be objective. The natural scientist who seeks to be an educator is in danger of remaining imprisoned in the objective state of consciousness which is valuable to him in his research activities. Since operating in that state of consciousness has proven so helpful in understanding and manipulating the physical systems which are the dominant focus of his professional attention --- there is a tendency to operate in the objective state of consciousness in trying to understand and manipulate students. Thus it is that statistical studies are made of the effectiveness of different manipulative procedures --- when applied to two groups of students---who were presumably initially identical systems. This procedure is not likely to be the most helpful one, because it does not respect the difference between persons and things. The scientist who relates to students while he is in the objective state of consciousness---can not relate to them as real persons with an awareness of personal their interdependence. I-Thou is not spoken with the whole being. To become involved in authentic meeting and dialogue between self and others --- is to become part of the system, and thus to depart from the objective state of consciousness. The scientist can maintain full objectivity only by maintaining his detached approach to students---and by seeking only technocrats' solutions to the educational problems and dilemmas which he has the freedom to see. To maintain this comfortable state of estrangement---it is necessary to join with others in a collusion to have it appear that one is being helpful to students. Truly helpful science education will become possible only when students and instructors are free to enter into dialogue as real persons; touching each other profoundly in authentic meetings. (c) 1999 by Paul A. Smith in GO: "Search for Integrity and Honesty" (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================
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