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sustainw.htm" Webster's Dictionary about the word "sustain"

There are Many-Ways in which different groups of people may find it to be in "their-best-interests" to describe the meaning of the words "sustainability" and "sustainable" in regards to the various kinds of human: ideals, values, principles, virtues, goals, expectations, purposes and missions - - - that are truly "sustainable" within God's Astronomically-Tiny Space-Ship-Earth - - - that is Essentially- Isolated from all Extra-Terrestrial Material-Resources which are Most-Coveted within Space-Ship-Earth. For example, the descriptions may Be-Formulated To-the-Special-Advantage of the immediately following kinds of people; OR-ELSE Be-Formulated-in-Contrasting-Ways -- that indicated farther down this web page. 1. The current-population within a limited-geographic-region of Space-Ship-Earth. 2. The current-people who are descendents of a particular nation or culture. 3. The participants in a particular: religious-tradition, culture or organization. 4. The investors in the most-profitable-corporation or coalition-of-corporations. 5. The most-wealthy-investment-bankers within a nation, or within Space-Ship-Earth. 6. The managers of the Most-Wealthy investment-firms in a nation or Space-Ship-Earth. 7. The candidates-for-election to TOP-Leadership-Positions in a Dominant-Nation/Corporation. 8. The leaders of the Most Powerful/Influential Military-Industrial-Congressional-Complex. 9. The leaders of the Most Powerful/Influential Academic-Think-Tank(s). 10. The leaders in the marketing of the Most pervasive CONSUMER Goods-and-Services. 11. The leaders who have the Most promising-programs for "Growing-The-Economy-For-Ever". 12. People who are focused upon fulfilling the desires of the Most wealthy 20% of people. 13. People who have been WINNING The-Most Collusive-Games-Of-Mutual-Self-Deception. 14. People who promise to WIN The-Most Future Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception. 15. People who are committed to sustaining cultures which Systemically-Honor GREED. 16. People who are committed to sustaining cultures which Systemically-Honor DOMINATION. 17. People who are committed to sustaining cultures which Systemically-Honor COMPETITION. 18. People who are committed to sustaining cultures that Honor Concentrating-Wealth/Powers. 19. People who are committed to sustaining cultures that Honor the Consumption of "goods". ============================================================================================== OR: the Descriptions may be found within Statements-of-Consensuses that are Consistent-With: A. Abrahamic-Religious-Affirmations of caring for: Widows, Orphans, Victims-of-Wars, Hunger, Sickness. B. Abrahamic-Religious-Affirmations of: Generosity, Hospitality, Welcome, Acceptance, Kindness. C. Acknowledging that God's Astronomically-Tiny-Space-Ship-Earth is for all Practical-Purposes = = = Totally-Isolated from all Extra-Terrestrial Material-Resources which are Most-Like those Terrestrial-Material-Resources - - - which are Most-COVETED - - - within God's-Space-Ship-Earth. D. Acknowledging that Within-Any-Finite-Volume-of-Space it is impossible to sustain For-Very-Long any Significant-Pattern-of-Exponential-Growth in any Significant-Pattern-of-Human-Activities. E. Acknowledging the Accuracy-and-Reliability of the Objective-Processes which are DESCRIBED by Globally-Respected Mathematical-DESCRIPTIONS-OF: a. The Conservation of-Energy-Mass within-all-of-its-many-forms - - - - No-Matter-What humans do. b. The Conservation of both Linear-Momentum and Angular-Momentum - - - - No-Matter-What humans do. c. The Conservation of electric charge in-all-its-many-forms - - - - No-Matter-What humans do. d. How Entropy within each Totally-Isolated-Volume; INCREASES - - - - No-Matter-What humans do. e. Electromagnetic-Radiation within the Cosmos - - - as Formulated by Maxwell. f. Electromagnetic-Radiation traveling at the COSMIC Speed-Limit through Space-Time within the Cosmos. g. Newton's-Laws of motion-and-gravity - - - as refined by Einstein in Special-and-General Relativity. h. The refinements of Classical-Descriptions via Wave-Particle Quantum-Mechanics by many scientists. i. The evolution of the Physical-Cosmos during the past approximately 15 Billion-Years. F. Acknowledging the futility of any small fraction of the crew of Gods's Astronomically-Tiny-Space-Ship-Earth; Trying-to-Play any Dominant-Roles; to Gain-Special-Advantages and Special-Privileges within-the Whole-Crew. ================================================================================================================ Following are some ways that some members of the League of Women Voters have DESCRIBED "Sustainability". "Sustainability" in the perspective of the LWV of California. "Sustainability" in the perspective of the LWV of New Mexico "Sustainability" in the perspective of the LWV of Gunnison, CO On Feb. 22, 2010 an "advanced" search for "LWV League of Women Voters Sustain Sustainable" - - - yielded a total of 3,400 "hits" which probably point to many efforts to DESCRIBE "Sustainability and/or Sustainable" in our current settings in the USA. They may be helpful to many people as launching pads for discussions! You are encouraged to do the same search, and see what-you-find in-that-way which can stimulate some helpful discussions about what in-the-long-term are "Sustainable" kinds of human behaviors within Space-Ship-Earth - - - as it travels through almost totally "empty" inter-planetary and inter-stellar space-time; as our SUN travels around the Center of the Milky-Way-Galaxy as it rotates very slowly about its star-dense-center.