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Using Webster New Collegiate Dictionary of 1976 - - - Not exactly "new" now. "sustain" a transitive verb from French "sus" -> "up" + tenere -> "to hold" ---> "to hold up" 1 : to give support or relief to 2 : to supply with sustenance : to NOURISH 3 : to keep up : to PROLONG 4 : to support the weight of : PROP also to carry or withstand (a weight or pressure) 5 : to buoy up 6 a : to bear up under 6 b : to SUFFER or to UNDERGO 7 a : to support as true, legal, or just 7 b : to allow or admit as valid 8 : to support by adequate proof : to CONFIRM Related words: sustainable, sustainer, sustaining, sustenance, sustainability ========================================================================================= Some-Threats to Sustainability: Exhaustion of and/or dishonesty about limited essential-supplies in Astronomically-Tiny Space-Ship-Earth Pollution of and/or dishonesty about pollution within This-Here Astronomically-Tiny Space-Ship-Earth Ignorance of and/or dishonesty re approaching "tipping-points" in Astronomically-Tiny Space-Ship-Earth Trying to WIN many different Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception within Tiny Space-Ship-Earth Trying to GET and KEEP far more than OUR-FAIR-SHARE of the limited available "goods" in Space-Ship-Earth Trying to get along in terms of Tragically-Simplistic Political/Religious Ideologies in Space-Ship-Earth Failing to cooperate to Mitigate Our-Own Alienative-Conflicts & Enduring-Alienations in Space-Ship-Earth Lack-of-Clarity about Sustainable: Ideals, Values, Principles, Goals, Plans & Means in Space-Ship-Earth
GO-TO An overview web page on "sustainability" GO-TO on Describing "sustainability" This is the web page about Webster's entries on the word "sustain".