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Salon duc Tape on the topic: Global Warming versus Peak Oil: Who is winning? Who is Losing? What is being ignored?

The first two questions above are ambiguous and/or misleading!

Another hand-out gives a list down-the-left-8.5-inch-end of a legal sheet of paper; a list of possible responses to Global Warming, Peak Oil and some other concerns. (See below for comments on that list of possible responses --- with brief comments about each such possible response.)

Along the long-edge are-headings-of-columns also-noted-below. All pertain to all of God's Finite-Space-Ship-Earth orbiting God's nearby star call the "Sun". (See on the other side of this sheet those headings-of-columns --- with brief comments about each such heading.)

Military-Industrial-Complex ===> Diplomacy It was Republican Dwight Eisenhower who warned first about "The Military-Industrial-Complex and its risky behaviors!

Nuclear Weapons into Nuclear Reactors The U-235 in nuclear weapons could be diluted to make it suitable for use in Nuclear Reactors to make electric power.

Mitigate Consumerism <==> Buy-Play-Throw-Away Such consumerism is responsible for a lot of oil consumption and land-fill junk accumulation!

Clarify True-Virtues and Alienative-Vices In the absence of such clarity religions and corporations engage in alienative behaviors that consume energies!

Prudently use Wind-Power-Opportunities Wind power is a form of solar energy which can be harvested all around the world with high Net-Energy-Returns.

Insulate Buildings Build-Underground Such efforts offer some of the highest available levels of Net-Energy-Returns on Initial-Energy-Investments!

Passive-Solar-heating with Triple-pane-windows Such efforts also offer some of the highest available levels of Net-Energy-Returns on Initial-Energy-Investments!

Re-Use and Recycle Most-Manufactured-Stuff Stuff should be manufactured initially to facilitate such Re-Use and Recycling! Planned obsolescence is terrible!

Geothermal-Heating and Cooling In Fruita, Colorado in a new housing development --- Geothermal-Heating and Cooling is the standard installation

Solar-Electric-Thermal-Installations Solar-Electric-Panels can be combined with Pre-Heating of Water for Water-Heaters and House-Heating

Grow-Foods-Locally Avoid the very high energy consumptions to transport foods for thousands of miles; MITIGATE Peak-Oil-Pains!

Solar-Electric-Generation Large such generation facilities are in development states, and as yet have not proven to be commercially profitable.

Ethanol from Switch Grass May have a higher Net Energy Return than for corn; but will still take up much land needed for growing food for us to eat!

Mine more Uranium and build Nuclear Power In an age of rampant terrorism nuclear power plants may continue to be Faustian Poor Bargains.

Ethanol from Grains like corn and wheat The Net Energy Return is likely to continue to be marginal and deprive poor people of basic foods to eat to survive!

Ethanol from Sugar Cane and Beets Better Net Energy Return than above, but will deprive poor people of basic foods to eat to survive!

Exhaust Hydro-Power Opportunities In many parts of the world there are few left to be exhausted; and environmental costs can be pervasive in many other places.

Use Coal instead of oil Net Energy Return on doing so is compromised and is likely to contribute to Global-Warming world-wide in most instances.

Pump Oil Faster Will SPEED the arrival of and AUGMENT Peak-Oil Suffering on the part of the world's most vulnerable people.

Pump Heavy Oils Net energy Return on doing so is low and is likely to contribute to Global-Warming world-wide in most instances.

Harvest Tar Sands Net Energy Return is bound to be LOW and the sizes of tailings ponds could expand beyond imagination!

Extract Shale Oil Net Energy Return is bound to be LOW and the sizes of tailings ponds could expand beyond imagination!

Build Perpetual Motion Machines The Third Law of Thermodynamics is the Official statement of concession that this is impossible.

Extract Hydrogen instead of oil Net Energy Return is NEGATIVE, and useful only in limited circumstances where full-honesty is possible and is practiced.

Document: Energy-Action-Relevance-Addenda-20071219

Documents prepared by Dr. Paul A. Smith for Salon duc Tape at Muggs Coffee Shop at College and Olive in Fort Collins on Friday night, December 21, 2007

See also the web site: and especially the web pages there: & - - - with many relevant on-line-resources

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