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Salon duc Tape on the topic: Global Warming versus Peak Oil: Who is winning? Who is Losing? What is being ignored?

The first two questions above are ambiguous and/or misleading!

Another hand-out gives a list down-the-left-8.5-inch-end of a legal sheet of paper; a list of possible responses to Global Warming, Peak Oil and some other concerns. (See on the other side of this sheet that list of possible responses --- with brief comments about each such possible response.)

Along the long-edge are-headings-of-columns also-noted-below. All pertain to all of God's Finite-Space-Ship-Earth orbiting God's nearby star call the "Sun". (See below here those headings-of-columns --- with brief comments about each such heading.)

Heading Notes about the Heading along the Long Edge of another hand out

Net Energy Gain For a given energy invested in the effort, what NET-RETURN will come from the investment within the whole world?

Long Term Potential How much NET-ENERGY-GAIN can be anticipated during the coming 200 years within the whole world?

Mitigate Global Warming How effectively will the effort "Mitigate Global Warming" during each of the coming few decades?

Achieve Pollution Reduction To what extent will the effort OVERALL-MITIGATE-POLLUTION for all creatures within the whole world?

Ease Peak Oil To what extent will the effort OVER-ALL-MITIGATE-SUFFERING during the transitions of the coming 200 years?

Get Energy Independence To what extent will the effort help Any nation become truly Energy-Independent in the coming 200 years?

Water Crisis How will the suggested course of action OVERALL-MITIGATE-PURE-WATER-SCARCITY in the coming 200 years?

War on Terror How helpfully will the course of action OVERALL-MITIGATE humans' experiences of TERROR in the coming 200 years?

Demonstrate Distributive Justice How helpfully will the course of action OVERALL-MITIGATE occasions of Distributive-INjustice in the coming 200 years?

Good Profit Who will the suggested course of action enable to locally concentrate more profits and power during the coming 200 years?

Want-Less Will the suggested course of action contribute to people Wanting-Less-Luxuries --- Those not sustainable for 200 years?

In the body of the chart plus-signs "+" suggest that the action-on-the-left --- will contribute positively to what is suggested in the-heading-above.

In the body of the chart minus-signs "-" suggest that the action-on-the-left --- will contribute negatively to what is suggested in the-heading-above.

In the body of the chart question-marks "?" suggest that there is likely to be doubt/controversy over how the suggested action will contribute overall.

Document: Energy-Action-Relevance-Addenda-20071219

Documents prepared by Dr. Paul A. Smith for Salon duc Tape at Muggs Coffee Shop at College and Olive in Fort Collins on Friday night, December 21, 2007

See also the web site: and especially the web pages there: & - - - with many relevant on-line-resources

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