Estimating the Volume of Fossil Fule that can possibly be in
Astronomically-Tiny Space-Ship-Earth, based upon Geometric Considerations and Order-of-Magnitude estimates.
"Central-Entries" in the chart below are Estimated-Volumes of Net-Usable-Fossil-Fuel in
Astronomically-Tiny Space-Ship-Earth;
Given in Cubic-Kilometers.
Land-Fraction=> 1/4 1/8 1/16 1/32 1/64 1/128 1/256 1/512 1/1000 1/2000 1/4000 1/8000
with fuel under them
Fuel-Thickness-Average is Along-the-Left-Edge of this Chart
.0078125 meters 251.327 125.664 62.832 31.416 15.708 7.854 3.927 1.963 1.005 0.500 0.250 0.125
.015625 meters 502.654 251.327 125.664 62.832 31.416 15.708 7.854 3.927 2.011 1.005 0.500 0.250
.03125 meters 1005.309 502.654 251.327 125.664 62.832 31.416 15.708 7.854 4.021 2.011 1.005 0.500
.0625 meters 2010.618 1005.309 502.654 251.327 125.664 62.832 31.416 15.708 8.042 4.021 2.011 1.005
.125 meters 4021.235 2010.618 1005.309 502.654 251.327 125.664 62.832 31.416 16.085 8.042 4.021 2.011
.25 meters 8042.471 4021.235 2010.618 1005.309 502.654 251.327 125.664 62.832 32.170 16.085 8.042 4.021
.5 meters 16084.941 8042.471 4021.235 2010.618 1005.309 502.654 251.327 125.664 64.340 32.170 16.085 8.042
1 meters 32169.883 16084.941 8042.471 4021.235 2010.618 1005.309 502.654 251.327 128.680 64.340 32.170 16.080
2 meters 64339.766 32169.883 16084.941 8042.471 4021.235 2010.618 1005.309 502.654 257.359 128.680 64.340 32.170
4 meters 128679.531 64339.766 32169.883 16084.941 8042.471 4021.235 2010.618 1005.309 514.718 257.359 128.680 64.340
8 meters 257359.063 128679.531 64339.766 32169.883 16084.941 8042.471 4021.235 2010.618 1029.436 514.718 257.359 128.680
16 meters 514718.125 257359.063 128679.531 64339.766 32169.883 16084.941 8042.471 4021.235 2058.873 1029.436 514.718 257.359
32 meters 999999.999 514718.125 257359.063 128679.531 64339.766 32169.883 16084.941 8042.471 4117.745 2058.873 1029.436 514.718
64 meters 999999.999 999999.999 514718.125 257359.063 128679.531 64339.766 32169.883 16084.941 8235.490 4117.745 2058.873 1029.436
128 meters 999999.999 999999.999 999999.999 514718.125 257359.063 128679.531 64339.766 32169.883 16470.980 8235.490 4117.745 2058.873
Fuel-Thickness-Average is Along-the-Left-Edge of this Chart
Land-Fraction=> 1/4 1/8 1/16 1/32 1/64 1/128 1/256 1/512 1/1000 1/2000 1/4000 1/8000
with fuel under them
"Land-Fraction" is the fraction of "dry-land" and continental-shelves assumed to have Net-Recoverable-Fuel under it.
"Fuel-Thickness-Average" is How-Thick All-Fossil-Fuel-Present would be if of even thickness over all the land it is now under.
"Central-Entries" in the chart above are Estimated-Volumes of Net-Usable-Fossil-Fuel in
Astronomically-Tiny Space-Ship-Earth; given in Cubic-Kilometers.
Entries across the top and bottom lines are fractions of the land area including continental shelves with net-usable-fuel under them.
1 inch = 2.54 centimeter 1 foot = 30.48 centimeters 1 yard = 91.44 centimeters 100 cm = 1 m = 0.001 km
1 mile = 1.609 kilometers 1 square mile = 2.59 sq km. 1 cubic mile = 4.17 cubic km 1,000 m = 1.000 km
.62 mile = 1.0 kilometers 0.386 sq mi = 1.00 sq km 24 cubic mi. = 1 cubic km
The USA, as the only nation in the world that does not use the Metric System of Measurements as its standaard set of measurements,
is crippling the ability of its citizens to think and compute clearly about the energy crisis. The confusion of units of measurement is debilitating!
Thus, the above uses the meter which is the standard international unit of length, used in all nations of the world as the standard unit of distance.
Document: "FUELTANK" by Paul A. Smith
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