This web site offers many essays for Visitors to Read-and-Discuss Among-Themselves in Open-and-Honest-Dialogues.
Essays focus upon Describing-the-Evolutions of: Humane-Relationships, Inhumane-Relationships, and of Mitigations OF-OUR-OWN Alienative-Conflicts.
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Almost 10,000 essays are available via bymonth.htm and are Linked-Together Date-Wise at their Tops-and-Bottoms.
The first essay is at a7309011.htm with personal-notes about the beginning of the writing these many essays.
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The above link gives access to both Alphabetic-and-Frequency Listings of Word-Starts.
The above link lists both a Full-List of Word-Starts and a smaller set focused on Mitigating-Alienative-Conflicts.
The above link also offers access to essays via Clusters-of-Word-Stats and tells of some future plans.