This is Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay Click HERE on this line to find essays via Your-Key-Words. {Most frequent wordstarts of each essay will be put here.} ========================================================== Click on WELCOME for a quick tour of ========================================================== %FOCI QUESTIONS SENIOR SEMINAR COURSE TRUE CONFLICT 080620 %COOPERATIVE TEAMS TWO THREE STUDENT JOINT RESPONSE 080620 %CRITIQUE QUESTIONS INHERENT BIAS TACIT ASSUMPTION 080620 %MULTIPLE SOURCES DOUBT OVERVIEW FINDING CONCLUSION 080620 The following are illustrative of questions which might serve well as possible foci for a senior seminar course on conflict mitigation. Students could be asked to form teams of two or three participants --- to work cooperatively to formulate a joint response to one questions or to two closely related questions --- regarding which people are in conflict. Students should be asked to: 1. Critique the formulation of the question(s) and to point out any inherent biases, tacit assumptions, misleading language or other misleading defects in the questions(s) as presented. 2. Gather relevant information from multiple sources; two, and in case of reasons for doubt, from at least three sources; giving an overview of the findings. 3. Seek and report on studying the sources and authors to find indications of how much the sources may be trusted with reasonable confidence. 4. Identify at least a dozen essays available at which shed significant light upon how to respond most helpfully and with integrity to the one or two questions being addressed. Indicate in what ways those dozen essays are seen as relevant to responding to the one or two focal questions. 5. Identify the most significant beginning differences in perspectives of the two or three student participants; and report any significant shifts in those perspectives --- which occur during the students' research and dialogues. 6. Write brief critiques of each other team's reports; both preliminary and final. 7. Keep in mind that Open-and-Honest-Dialogues are more important here than arriving at any authoritative final conclusion which is supported by all participating students. Reports about what is learned through such dialogues are more important here in this course than is articulating any authoritative final conclusion based upon authoritative sources and authoritative lines of reasoning/logic. 8. Keep in mind that criticizing the content, tone, and assumptions found in the essays in will always be in order! Many of the essays have been intentionally left incoherent --- to stimulate independent thinking and open-and-honest-dialogue! None of the essays in are intended to be taken as authoritative in any sense. They are not reporting facts, authoritative-conclusions, nor any communal consensus! Beware of NOT-THINKING-CRITICALLY when reading the essays! 9. Keep in mind that the "Joint Statement on the Rights of Students" as formulated by the American Association of University Professors in the "Procedures and Standards of the AAUP "RED-BOOK" --- are relevant in this course. Following are some suggested questions: 1. Why does prostitution persist in the world? 2. Why does sexual-slavery persist in the world? 3. Why is child pornography a profitable means to income? 4. Why does sexual abuse occur in families and churches? 5. Why do churches so often failed to mitigate the above? 6. Why does sexual discrimination persist in the world? 7. Why not acknowledge our complicity in Global-Warming? 8. Why not acknowledge our complicity in Unjust-Wars? 9. Why not see complicity in our Distributive-Injustice? 10, Why not see complicity in our Collusive Games of MSD? 11. Add more questions here. A course as suggested above might make clear to students in the beginning of such a course that the following will NOT be desired outcomes of such a course. Students assuming that the following WILL be desired outcomes --- may undermine the purpose of such a course: 1. The mastery of some particular information, formal procedures, professional competency or technical skills. 2. Consensus regarding proper responses to questions of ethics, morality, right, wrong, good, evil, priorities, propriety, theology, etc. 3. The ability to fit-in as a team-member working in some particular-employment-position, competitive-game, religious-organization, political-contest, military-unit, or some-corporate-effort to concentrate-wealth-and/or power. 4. The ability to play-well --- one or more prescribed- roles or rituals within particular-prescribed-settings. 5. The ability to recite some set of texts, prescriptions, confessions and/or doctrines with apparent- conviction and/or authenticity. The following may well be among the desired outcomes of the course: 1. Becoming well informed about the different perspectives of the different students in the course; and being able to describe to each other's satisfaction the different perspectives of different students --- in ways which they agree are fair/accurate. 2. Becoming informed about students' contrasting assumptions, attitudes, beliefs, convictions, etc. --- which may not have been previously articulated and/or examined by them and/or others. 3. Open and honest dialogue about ideological conflicts which the community has been avoiding as related to TABOO: topics, issues, dilemmas and/or questions. 4. The troubling exposure of the un-recognized presence of addictions, codependent-supporters, domination, bullies, violence, coercion, alienation, prejudice, confusion, distributive-injustice and/or collusive-games- of-mutual-self-deception. 5. The shifting of attention away from uninformed and/or unexamined opinions and judgments --- to informed dialogue about different: perspectives, human-relation- ships, objective-relationships, ideologies, conceptual- frameworks and ways of identifying what people regard as virtues and vices. 6. The mitigation of alienation, distrust, estrangement, coercion, violence, judgementalism, excommunication, greed, arrogance and self-righteousness. Be-Together in the Many-Gracious Ways of Shalom. (c) 2008 by Paul A. Smith in "Search for Honesty and Integrity" (On Being Yourself Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================