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This is Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay Click HERE on this line to find essays via Your-Key-Words. {Most frequent wordstarts of each essay will be put here.} ========================================================== Click on WELCOME for a quick tour of ========================================================== %LEVEL RISK SECURITY INVULNERABILITY INTIMATE LOVER 080312 %HEALTHY SECURE SAFE RELATIONSHIPS CONTRAST LEVELS 080312 %HOW MANY PARTICIPANTS CONCENTRATED POWER WEALTH 080312 %EDUCATION EXPERIENCE EXPERIMENTATION AUTHORITY GOD 080312 %DOMINEERING BULLIES CONTROLLER EMPIRE COLONIAL SIN 080312 %SUBMISSION SUBSERVIENCE NONVIOLENT RESISTANCE LOVE 080312 The Levels-of-Risk that are entailed in Intimate-Relations are roughly in proportion to the Contrasting-Levels of the following ----- among the Participants-in-the-Intimate- Relations-under-Consideration; other-factors-being-equal: 1. Power, Wealth and Influence. 2. Amounts of Formal/Disciplined-Education. 3. Mutual-Cultural-Ignorance-and-Contrasts. 4. Mutual-Religious-Ignorance-and-Contrasts. 5. Predispositions to Domination-and-Control. 6. Predispositions to Submission-and-Subservience. 7. Predispositions to Assume-Rank-Orderings-of-Peoples. 8. Thinking-or-Not-Thinking like Trained-Economists. 9. Thinking-or-Not-Thinking like Trained-Scientists. 10. Thinking-or-Not-Thinking Like Trained-Engineers. 11. Thinking-and-Feeling like Sympathetic-True-Lovers. 12. Thinking-and-Feeling like Empathic-True-Lovers. 13. Thinking-and-Feeling like Sensitive-True-Lovers. 14. Thinking-and-Feeling like Understanding-True-Lovers. 15. Thinking-and-Feeling like Dedicated-Technocrats. 16. Thinking-and-Feeling like Domineering-Bullies. 17. Thinking-and-Feeling like a Cosmopolitan-Traveler. 18. Thinking-and-Feeling like an Isolated-Provincial-One. 19. Living-in-terms-of-Ancient-Stable-Traditions. 20. Living-in-terms-of-Fast-Changing-Environments. 21. Pre-existing Exclusive Commitments/Relationships. 22. Pre-existing Exclusive Entanglements/Traditions. 23. Pre-existing Exclusive Enslavements/Addictions. 24. Pre-existing Exclusive Collusive-Games-of-MSD. 25. Pre-existing Exclusive Traditions-Paradigms-Truths. 26. Pre-existing Exclusive Assumptions-Attitudes-Beliefs. Be-Together in the Many-Gracious Ways of Shalom. (c) 2008 by Paul A. Smith in "Search for Honesty and Integrity" (On Being Yourself Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================