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Within the realms of intimate/reflexive personal relationships --- the following are among the essential foundations for participants to enjoy being together in the Many-Gracious-Ways-of-Shalom --- which are Mutually- Complementary-and-Cooperative in supporting each other: Honesty Authenticity Gracious-Hospitality Coherence Generosity Sharing-Burdens/Costs Openness Sincerity Respecting-Limitations Humility Deference Prudent-Tolerance Reverence Honor Mutual-Cooperation Meditation Relaxation Sharing-Experiences Civility Courtesy Mutual-Consideration Courtships Friendships Mutual-Gentleness Covenants Reliability Mutual-Health-Care Individuals Communities Integrations Independence Interdependence Integrities Communions Reunions Gracious-Reconciliations Visions Dialogues Communal-Prayers Searches Researches Reconsideration Hopes Expectations Regenerations Desires Pleasures Mutual-Rejoicing Gentleness Kindness Empathetic-Sympathy Understanding Insights Tolerant-Maturity In setting communal priorities and fulfilling communal priorities the above reflexive considerations are essential --- and in appropriate realms, the objective considerations can be supportive of the common-good as reflexively-agreed-upon. Technocrats cannot unilaterally assure both outcomes --- because they cannot unilaterally demonstrate healthy-reflexive intimate-relationships. No Domineering-People, no matter how superior and powerful they may seem to be to anybody, can unilaterally decide "With-Integrity" for any other Vulnerable-People --- what they-the-vulnerable "should": Think Believe Desire Want Hope Expect Assume Plan Buy Sell Give Share Enjoy Fear Avoid Seek The above is true for Domineering-People as individuals and for Domineering-People as small or large coalitions. The manners in which living creatures, including humans, have evolved and reproduced through the agency of DNA and RNA in sexual reproduction --- place limits upon what humans can do "with-integrity" as regards individual- differences between individuals' DNA and RNA strings and how and what they as a result tend to: Think Believe Desire Want Hope Expect Assume Plan Buy Sell Give Share Enjoy Fear Avoid Seek The manners of coordination, cooperation, communication, colaboration, and formation-of-intimate-reflexive-personal relationships --- cannot be unilaterally decided "With- Integrity" for other different Vulnerable-People --- by any "Superior-Dominant-Individuals/Coalitions" because people have not been created/evolved in any one "Standard- Good-Way". People have different dispositions and needs because they have been created/evolved with different DNA and RNA hereditary-codes. No one Conformal-Standard fits all with integrity. Conformity to no one Conformal- Standard will be "fitting", "integrative", or appropriate for all different people. Personal-and-Communal Integrations-and-Integrities can be worked out appropriately --- only within the Many- Different-Gracious-Ways of Shalom where Wealth-and-Powers are shared in Mutually-Satisfying-Ways all the way around within the True-Sanctuaries of God's-Limited-Space-Ship- Earth --- existing within a limited portion of cosmic Space-and-Time. There will be Alienative-Behaviors-and-Responses to the extent that any few Domineering-People are permitted to unilaterally set and enforce conformal standards regarding how and what people should: Think Believe Desire Want Hope Expect Assume Plan Buy Sell Give Share Enjoy Fear Avoid Seek For Personal-and-Communal Integrations-and-Integrities to endure --- they must be worked out in Shalom's-Gracious- Ways within the contexts of: Honesty Authenticity Gracious-Hospitality Coherence Generosity Sharing-Burdens/Costs Openness Sincerity Respecting-Limitations Humility Deference Prudent-Tolerance Reverence Honor Mutual-Cooperation Meditation Relaxation Sharing-Experiences Civility Courtesy Mutual-Consideration Courtships Friendships Mutual-Gentleness Covenants Reliability Mutual-Health-Care Individuals Communities Integrations Independence Interdependence Integrities Communions Reunions Gracious-Reconciliations Visions Dialogues Communal-Prayers Searches Researches Reconsideration Hopes Expectations Regenerations Desires Pleasures Mutual-Rejoicing Gentleness Kindness Empathetic-Sympathy Understanding Insights Tolerant-Maturity There is no One-Way that will be fitting for all people and their relationships, regardless of their Hereditary- and-Cultural differences. When different people are all forced to fit into One-Standard-Way --- the tragic result is alienation, personal-disintegrations and communal disintegrations. Be-Together in the Many-Gracious ways of Shalom. (c) 2007 by Paul A. Smith in "Search for Honesty and Integrity" (On Being Yourself Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================