blog traffic analysis
This is Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay Click HERE on this line to find essays via Your-Key-Words. {Most frequent wordstarts of each essay will be put here.} ========================================================== %ADDICTIONS TECHNICAL SOLUTIONS DILEMMAS TECHNICAL 070701 %PROBLEMS OBJECTIVE REALITIES SUBJECTIVE EXPERIENCE 070701 %DESCRIPTIONS PRESCRIPTIONS PROSCRIPTIONS SHALOM IS 070701 %INTIMATE FRIENDSHIPS THOU HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS ID 070701 %HOLY SACRED SEXUALITY HEALTHY RESPONSE DIALOGUE IT 070701 %UNILATERAL RESCUE REDEMPTION SALVATION TRUE LOVERS 070701 ADDICTIONS pertain to TECHNICAL-SOLUTIONS to DILEMMAS which are in reality NOT TECHNICAL-PROBLEMS. DILEMMAS pertain to Evil-Personal-Relationships that are DOMINATED by Reflexive: Alienations, Estrangements, Isolations, Exclusions, Banishments, Destructions, Greed, Power-Concentrations, Wealth-Concentrations, Controls, Rules, Regulations, Prescriptions, Proscriptions, Laws, Demands, Commands, etc. ADDICTIONS often focus upon Technologies-which-Abuse: Alcohol, Drugs, Sex, Intimacies, Vulnerabilities, Laws, Religions, Beliefs, Convictions, Scriptures, Scripts, Guns, Weapons, Bombs, Energy-Concentrations, Power- Concentrations, Wealth-Concentrations, Forts, Fortresses, Military-Industrial-Complexes, Corporations, Exclusive- Affirmations, Negations, Denigrations, Conflicts, Armies, Navies, Air-Forces, Missiles, Nuclear-Weapons of Mutually- Assured-Self-Destruction, etc. There are no Holy-or-Sacred TECHNOLOGIES by which to cure ADDICTIONS; no Holy-or-Sacred: wars, threats, terrorists, sacrifices, offerings, priorities, rituals, or rites. Compulsive-Preoccupations with Affirmations/Denigrations of the above ADDICTIONS and their foci are themselves ADDICTIONS which are ALIENATIVE-ACTIVITIES which involve: Excesses Imbalance Exclusivity Excommunications Anxieties Fears Confusion Collusive-Games Dishonesty Pretensions Arrogance Delusions Depressions Suppressions Repressions Dominations ADDICTIONS entail excessively focusing too much: attention, time, money, concern, interest; upon some particular center of activity --- to the exclusion of much else; as if the one focus were a universal cure for what ails one alone. It is not easy to say what causes ADDICTIONS. I may be safe to say that addicts are not qualified to heal addicts in addictive ways. Be Graciously-Together in the Many-Ways-of-Shalom. (c) 2007 by Paul A. Smith in "Search for Honesty and Integrity" (On Being Yourself Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================