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This is Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay Click HERE on this line to find essays via Your-Key-Words. {Most frequent wordstarts of each essay will be put here.} ========================================================== %REFLEXIVE SYSTEMS ANALYSIS ROOTS TRAGIC ALIENATION 061206 %OFFENSIVE VIOLENCE COERCION CONTROL DEMAND COMMAND 061206 %CONCENTRATE POWER WEALTH COALITION CONDEMN SUPER 061206 %COMPLEX TANGLED WEB FABRIC NETWORK COMPLEMENTARY 061206 %SIMPLISTIC IDEALISM TRAGIC CONSEQUENCES REFLEXIVE 061206 %COLLUSIVE GAMES MUTUAL SELF DECEPTION DOMINATION 061206 If We-Together Let-True-Lovers-Do-So, and Only-Then, True-LOVE can help US-Together-as-ONE Let-Go-of Alienative Forms-Of: 1. Offensive-Violence, 2. Offensive-Coercion, 3. Offensive-Controls, 4. Offensive-Demands, 5. Offensive-Commands, 6. Offensive-Concentrations, 7. Offensive-Wealth, 8. Offensive-Powers, 9. Offensive-Coalitions, 10. Offensive-Condemnations, etc. In the above ten phrases the word "Offensive" plays no Essential-Role; the word "Offensive" is tautological. It is Similarly-Adequate to say: If We-Together Let-True-Love-Do-So, and Only-Then, True-Love can help US-Together-as-ONE Let-Go-of ALIENATIVE Forms-Of: 1. Greed, 2. Covetousness, 3. Hoarding, 4. Envy, 5. Contentiousness, 6. Polarizations, 7. Dichotomizations, 8. Excommunications, 9. Banishment, 10. Arrogance, 11. Self-Righteousness, 12. Self-Esteem, 13. Self-Agrandisement, etc. Helpfully-Understood it is Not-Essential above to include the word "Alienative" in either lover-case or in UPPER-CASE. Yet, some people may not be inclined to Helpfully-Understand the statements in the Absence-Of the somewhat tautilogical word "Alienative". It may be helpful to include the word "Alienative" in graceful ways which are "Not-Alienative". We may helpfully and graciously add: If We-Together Let-True-Love-Do-So, and Only-Then, True-Love can help US-Together-as-ONE Let-Go-of ALIENATIVE Forms-Of: 1. Punishments, 2. Rewards, 3. Exclusivity, 4. Isolation, 5. Superiority, 6. Competition, 7. Privacy, 8. Judgementalism, 9. Fundamentalism, 10. Militarism, 11. Terrorism, 12. Evangelism, 13. Scientism, 14. Science, 15. Scholarship, 16. Superiority, 17. Professionalism, 18. Professions, 19. Professing, 20. Confessing, etc. We may helpfully and graciously add: If We-Together Let-True-Love-Do-So, and Only-Then, True-Love can help US-Together-as-ONE Let-Go-of ALIENATIVE Forms-Of Reacting-To Well-Intended-Attempts To-Be Gracefully: 1. Honest, 2. Cooperative, 3. Collaborators, 4. Peacemakers, 5. Diplomats, 6. True-Lovers, 7. Inclusive, 8. Present, 9. Objective, 10. Reflexive, etc. We may helpfully and graciously add that steps suggested below need to be Taken-Together in order to Facilitate-and-Promote Consensus-Regarding: 1. Affirmations of Virtues. 2. Mitigations of Vices. 3. Personal-&-Communal Integrities. 4. Personal-&-Communal Integrations. 5. Personal-Paths-of-Shalom. 6. Communal-Paths-of-Shalom. 7. Healthy-Transitions Through-LOVE. 8. Mitigations-of-Negativity. 9. Mitigations-of-Polarizations. 10. Mitigations-of-Dichotomizations. In the above regards we may helpfully and graciously add that we will do well to honor people who do each of the following --- without their attempting to do all of the following --- and without their attempting to please others who criticize them for focusing much if not most of their attention on some of the following --- in order to more fully and fruitfully focus their attention upon those following for which they are most qualified and have the greatest opportunities to do well: 1. Envisioning and articulating future Shalom. 2. Envisioning Mutually-Complementary Virtues. 3. Clarifying Mutually-Complementary-Clusters. 4. Clarifying Mutually-Exclusive Vices-and-Virtues. 5. Clarifying Shalom's Transitional-Future-Paths. 6. Showing-Leadership in Transitional-Paths-Now. 7. Clarifying the roots of many of our Tragedies. 8. Clarifying Possibilities and Impossibilities. 9. Clarifying the True-Foundations-of-Security. 10. Clarifying the Impossibility of Invulnerability. Because of Pervasive Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self- Deception there is not clearly discernible boundary between Tolerating-Vices --- and Concentrations-of-Powers- and-Wealth by Demonstrating-Vices --- in Self-Serving- Selfish-Ways that make people be Actively-Complicit in Destroying-Distributive-Justice --- which is essential to the Personal-and-Communal Integrations-and-Integrities of all people who are: poor, homeless, sick, mentally-ill, alienated, estranged, excommunicated, hopeless, uneducated, under-educated, etc. Be Graciously-Together in the Many-Ways-of-Shalom. (c) 2006 by Paul A. Smith in "Search for Honesty and Integrity" (On Being Yourself Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================