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This is Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay Click HERE on this line to find essays via Your-Key-Words. {Most frequent wordstarts of each essay will be put here.} ========================================================== %ACCEPT INTEGRATE BEING COHERENT WITH INSIGHTS LOVE 060713 %TRUE LOVERS COMING TOGETHER INTEGRATING PARADOXES 060713 %PARTIAL TRUTHS FRAGMENTS DICHOTOMIES POLARIZATIONS 060713 %COLLUSIVE GAME MUTUAL SELF DECEPTION PREVAILING ID 060713 %IT IS I AND THOU DEMANDING PROFOUND SENSE BLINDED 060713 %DEAF DUMB REFLEXIVE INTIMACIES SEXUALITY CREATIVE 060713 Insight/Revelations come to True-Lovers who live within communities that are Dominated-By Collusive-Games- of-Mutual-Self-Deception. Such Insights/Revelations are Taboo! Yet they make profound sense! They challenge the accepted authority of Prevailing-Myths about Redemption- and-Salvation coming through: 1. Redemptive: Controls, Violence, Domination, etc. 2. Unilateral actions by Transcendent-Powers. 3. Processes which humans cannot understand. 4. Obedience to Superior-Authorities. 5. Laws-and-Orders Submissively Reverenced/Accepted. 6. The formation of Powerful-Coalitions. 7. The Good-Concentration of Good-Wealth-and-Power. So long as the above Accepted-Authorities-Prevail; Human-Experiences and Existential-Reflexive-Insights are likely to be: Ridiculed, Denigrated, Rejected & Crucified; along with the True-Lovers who are fools enough to report what has come to them in the Dark-of-Night. Paradoxical-Whole-Truth which comes via True-Lovers is usually rejected by Players-of-Collusive-Games-of- Mutual-Self-Deception; for Players are terrified by any Light which exposes Players' as lacking: coherence, integrity, humility, shalom, health, visions, insights, understanding and the ability to learn from their very own Reflexive-Relationships and Objective-Observations. Tragedies do not occur because of any lack of: Power, Wealth, Friends, Coalitions, Knowledge, Science, Means, Techniques, Resources, Energy, Information, etc. Tragedies occur because people live according to the Dictates of Partial-Truths, Partial-Values, Partial-Ideals and other forms of Partiality which lacks Coherence and Integrity --- doing so with great: Power, Wealth, Friends, Coalitions, Knowledge, Science, Means, Techniques, Resources, Energy, Information, etc. The greater that all of the latter assets are --- the more disintegrative the tragedies are likely to be. Be Graciously-Together in the May-Ways-of-Shalom! (c) 2006 by Paul A. Smith in "Search for Honesty and Integrity" (On Being Yourself Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================