This is Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay Click HERE on this line to find essays via Your-Key-Words. {Most frequent wordstarts of each essay will be put here.} ========================================================== %AUTHENTIC PEACEMAKERS PROOFS OF INTEGRITIES WARS 060505 %TERROR TERRORISM TERRORISTS OFFICIAL INFORMAL BOMB 060505 %CONCENTRATED POWER WEALTH ENERGY DISTRIBUTIVE GOOD 060505 %EVIL RELATIONSHIPS DYSFUNCTIONAL CONFORMITY DEVILS 060505 %PREOCCUPATION POLARIZATION DICHOTOMY CONFLICT BOND 060505 %RISK VULNERABILITY INTIMACY SEXUALITY COOPERATION 060505 True Peacemaking and Conflict Resolution entail the exchange of proofs of the AUTHENTICITIES and INTEGRITIES of the participants and their communities. Such proofs cannot be successfully faked in counterfeit efforts because such proofs entail many of the following features: 1. No-standardized-procedures or demands. 2. No-prescriptions and no-proscriptions. 3. No technocratic-management-processes. 4. No manipulation-handles or controls. 5. The violation of collusions'-absolute-taboos. 6. Disloyalty to The-Fallen-Powers-That-Be. 7. Letting-Go of Preoccupations-being-Invulnerable. 8. Letting-Go-of Preoccupations-with-Domination. 9. Letting-Go-of-Preoccupations-with-Controls. 10. Letting-Go-of-Preoccupations-with-Power/Wealth. 11. Letting-Go-of-Preoccupations-with-Perfection. 12. Letting-Go-of-Preoccupations-with-Purifications. 13. Letting-Go-of-Preoccupations-with-Superiority. 14. Letting-Go-of-Preoccupations-with-Concentrations. 15. Letting-Go-of-Preoccupations-with-Defensive/Tools People who are NOT-AUTHENTIC are driven by considerations which make it impossible for them and their friends to conceive of or understand --- the existential meanings of the above suggestions of what is entailed in offering authentic proofs --- of both personal-and- communal AUTHENTICITY. To be AUTHENTIC, the proofs offered by people must include clear signs of both their personal and their communal AUTHENTICITIES. We can know them by their RELATIONSHIPS with their friends-and-enemies with whom they are most preoccupied in Fear-Full-Ways. Personal-and-Communal AUTHENTICITIES-and-INTEGRITIES are Constantly-Inter-Dependent in Being-Together Within- the-Ways-of-Shalom. They cannot exist in isolation from each other. Failures to be Constantly-Inter-Dependent in Being- Together Within-the-Ways-of-Shalom --- signal the ABSENCE of AUTHENTICITY/INTEGRITIES and so signal whenever offered "Proofs-of-Authenticity" Lack-True-Coherence. Attempts to prove the AUTHENTICITIES and INTEGRITIES of the Participants-and-Their-communities --- fail in the ABSENCE of CLEARLY-AUTHENTIC Signals of Freedoms-from- Preoccupations-With: 1. Standardized-procedures. 2. Prescriptions and Proscriptions. 3. Technocratic-Management-Processes. 4. Manipulation-Handles. 5. Collusions'-absolute-taboos. 6. Loyalty to The-Fallen-Powers-That-Be. 7. Invulnerability. 8. Domination. 9. Controls. 10. Power/Wealth. 11. Perfection. 12. Purifications. 13. Superiority. 14. Concentrations. 15. Defensive/Tools. 16. Coalitions. 17. Negations. 18. Dichotomies. 19. Polarizations. 20. Isolated-Good-and-Evil. 21. "ABSOLUTE" Isolated Partial Truths. 22. IDOLATROUS: Fragmented Paradoxical TRUTH. Participants fail to signal Integrities-and- Authenticity each time that they demonstrate any PREOCCUPATION with any of the above twenty-two realities; or with their closely inter-woven similar-preoccupations that flow from their alienative-fears. Their fears obscure-and-confuse authentic-visions of how to transcend their fears in the Authentic-Ways-of-Shalom. Idolatries are most helpfully characterized by the ways in which IDOLATRIES Fragment-and-Disintegrate: 1. Paradoxical Well-Integrated-TRUTH into Factoids. 2. Communities into Contentious-Lonely-Negaters. 3. Communities into Polarized-Thoughtless-Armies. 4. Coherent-Thoughts into Chaotic-Prejudices. 5. True-Lovers into Standardized-Conformists. 6. Hospitable-Communities into Fragmented-Ones. 7. Cooperative-Communities into Violent-Armies. 8. Collaborative-Teams into Coercive-Teams. 9. Healthy-Families into Mentally-Ill-Individuals. 10. Patient-Lovers into Doctors'-Dependent-Patients. 11. Health-Maintenance-Institutions into Profiteers. 12. Humane-Services into Disintegrative-Justice-Ones. 13. Economic-Integrities into Economic-Polarizations. 14. Cooperative-Economic-Endeavors into Alienations. 15. Healthy-Wealthy-Nations into Rich-and-Poor ONES.. 16. Mutually-Assured-Sanctuaries into Nuclear-Terror. 17. Certainty-in-Gracious-LOVE into Fearful-Certainty 18. Certainty-in-Balanced-Hope into Fearful-Despair. 19. Confidence in Diverse-Perspectives into Doctrine. 20. Confidence in Personal-Experiences into Demands. 21. Cooperative-Teams into Competitive-Coalitions. 22. Sanctuaries-for-All into Fortresses for a Few. 23. Economics-of-Distribution into Concentrating-Ones 24. Hospitable-Communities into Greedy-Communities. Be-Authentically-Together in the Many-Ways-of-Shalom. (c) 2006 by Paul A. Smith in "Search for Honesty and Integrity" (On Being Yourself Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================