This is Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay Click HERE on this line to find essays via Your-Key-Words. {Most frequent wordstarts of each essay will be put here.} ========================================================== %VISIONS DREAMS DESIRES WANTS NEEDS INSEPARABLE GOD 051110 %IDOLS IDOLATRY PARADOX COMPLEMENTARY TRUTHS DEVILS 051110 %EVIL RELATIONSHIPS PERSONAL INTIMACIES SEXUALITY 051110 %INVULNERABLE DOMINANT CONTROL ESSENTIAL BEING SAFE 051110 %SALVATION REDEMPTION UNILATERAL RESCUE GRACE LOVER 051110 %FREEDOM LIMIT CONSTRAIN INTIMACIES FRIEND NEIGHBOR 051110 The following kinds of visions/dreams entail inseparable visions/dreams of: 1. Being-Invulnerable, Being-Dominant, Being-in- Control --- As-Essential to Being-Secure. 2. FREEDOM FROM: Vulnerability, Risks, Limitations, Limits, Costs, Constraints, Consequences, Intimacies, Dependency, Cooperation, Colaborations, Interdependencies, Honesty, Coherence, Authenticity, Integrities, Integrations, Embarrassment, Revelations, etc. 3. Controlling ABSOLUTE: TRUTH, POWER, RIGHTEOUSNESS and SALVATION. Attempts to fulfill the above kinds of visions and dreams lead reliably via tragic-chaotic-periodic-spirals into: 1. Ignorance, confusion, prejudices, biases, entropy, alienation, estrangement, isolation, etc. 2. Personal-and-Communal Destructive-Efforts and Disintegrations through Informal-and-Formal Terrorism-and- Wars. 3. ARROGANCE, SELF-RIGHTEOUSNESS, HUBRIS, UNILATERAL ACTIONS, NARCISSISM, EGO-CENTRICITIES, PARANOIA, ANXIETY, FEARS, BEING-OUT-OF-TOUCH, INSENSITIVITY, BLINDNESS, DEAFNESS, HOPLELSSNESS, ETC. The effects/conseqences of the use/abuse of Means- And/Or-Technologies-and-Technocrats --- to achieve chosen- ends; always depends upon All-of-the-Following; not upon Any-one-or-Few of the following: 1. Exclusive-Concentrations of: Power, Energy, Force, Wealth, etc. into the hands of some Minority-or- Majority. 2. Real-and/or-Perceived Objective-and/or-Reflexive Poverty, Vulnerabilities, Invulnerabilites, Security, Limits, Limitations, Possibilities and Impossibilities. 3. Alienations, Dichotomizations, Polarizations, Segregations, Oppositions, etc. of: Ideals, Values, Principles, Principals, Leaders, Families, Cultures, Religions, Coalitions, etc. 4. How influential various kinds of leders are in dealing Creatively-and/or-Destructively with the above complexities --- Secretively, Openly, Honestly, Meanly, Graciously, Collusively, Simplistically, etc. (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in "Search for Honesty and Integrity" (On Being Yourself Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================