This is Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay Click HERE on this line to find essays via Your-Key-Words. {Most frequent wordstarts of each essay will be put here.} ========================================================== %RELIGIOUS RITES RIGHT REPRESENT THINK CLEAR TRUE 050904 %GOD WILL TRUTH POWERFUL ANGRY JUDGE ULTIMATE FALSE 050904 %CONCERN ATTENTION FOCUS NARROW SPECIAL TECHNOCRATS 050904 %AVOID EMBARRASSMENT MASKS HIDE SECRET PRIVATE GOOD 050904 %CAPITAL CONCENTRATE MONEY POWER WEALTH CORPORATION 050904 %PERSONAL VULNERABILITY PROTECTION INVULNERABLE SIN 050904 In what terms, upon what bases, with whose help --- can we think clearly about "Religious-Rights"? Some "religious-people" think and feel that because they are "God's-Representatives" they should have "special-rights" --- because "their-God" is a powerful- and-angry-God. Some "religious-people" think and feel that because their "ultimate-concerns" represent "God's-Concerns-and- Will" --- they should be given "ultimate-attention" and be the focus of "ultimate-concern"? In what terms, upon what bases, with whose help --- can we think clearly about the above kinds of "religious- people" and about their "religious-rights"? Should the above kinds of religious people have the rights to: 1. Represent themselves as "superior" beings? 2. Represent their beliefs as being "scientific"? 3. Represent their myths as literally "true"? 4. Represent their simplicity as an ultimate virtue? 5. Concentrate power and wealth for their "god"? 6. Be free of criticism and embarrassment? 7. Be self-righteous, arrogant and unilateralists? 8. Be dominant over other kinds of religious people? 9. Use coercion and violence to enforce God's Will? 10. Act without criticism on God's behalf? How can we avoid falling into their traps? How can we avoid making evil-relations as they do? How has the authority to answer these questions? Find out on the Way of Shalom! (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in "Search for Honesty and Integrity" (On Being Yourself Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================