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%WELL INTEGRATED ALIENATED DOMINANT WORLD-VIEW EVIL 050404 %SELF OTHERS COLLUSIVE GAMES MUTUAL SELF DECEPTIONS 050404 %SPIRITS DEMONS INCOHERENT PARTS ELEMENTS SYSTEMS 050404 %ANALYSIS INTEGRATIONS PARADIGM INCLUDE EXCLUDE SIN 050404 %PERSONAL COHERENCE COMMUNAL SHALOM HEALTH WELL ILL 050404 %CAPITALISTIC WEALTH POWER CONCENTRATION ACCUMULATE 050404 That within Our-Self which is not Well-Integrated into our Dominate World-View/Paradigm --- Is-Alienated, Incoherent-Within-Us. To-The-Extent that Our-Self includes Parts-of-Our- Self which are not Well-Integrated into our Dominant World-View/Paradigm --- To-That-Extent we lack Personal- Integrity; Personal-Coherence, Personal-Shalom. Our personal lack of Integrity-Coherence is a threat to the Personal-Integrity and Communal-Integrity of others; to the extent that we act without integrity and without coherence. Our Dis-Ease is likely to be shared with others, and so to spread --- even if there is no physiological-organism involved in producing our Dis- Ease. The above points to the fact-of-life and health is not just a private matter. Health is a major communal concern. Communities cannot with integrity and coherence be indifferent to the Dis-Ease of anybody within the communities. The community can be no more healthy than the poorest members of the community. Personal Dis-Ease needs to be a Communal-Concern in Defense of the Good- Health of the Whole-Community; just as a burning house in a crowded city is a matter of concern to the Whole- Community. Risk-Management cannot be carried out with integrity in any coherent way when the managers pretend that many risks are isolated and individualistic --- with no communal spill-over-effects. Irresponsible-Risk-Management on the part of one individual can pose a serious risk to the community as a whole. Automobile insurance is not just a matter of concern for isolated individuals insulated from each other by automobile shells! They can collide and often do collide with each other. (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================