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%DIFFERENT PIECES MACHINERY PEOPLE THROWN TOGETHER 041118 %FITTING COOPERATION COLLABORATE COHERENT INTEGRATE 041118 %CONTRASTING COMPLEMENTARY ESSENTIAL CREATIVITY GOD 041118 %FREEDOM WILL DESIRE HOPE CHOICE ASPIRE ENVISION 041118 %TRUE LOVERS MANAGE RISKS CONTROL SELF OTHER DEVILS 041118 %EVIL RELATIONSHIPS REACTIONS RESPONSES ATTACKS SIN 041118 Just as not all pieces of machinery can be thrown together and made to behave coherently; neither can different people be thrown together and made to behave coherently, cooperatively, in collaborative ways which entail: openness, honesty, civility, hospitality, love, grace, generosity, intimacy, safety, security, balance, mutuality, reverence, respect, trust, creativity, etc. For individuals (people, or pieces of machinery) to work well together they must be matched to each other in "fitting" ways. In the case of people who differ from pieces of machinery in exercising free-will; to cooperate in "fitting" ways --- people must be given the freedom to exercise their free-will --- or they will not cooperate or collaborate in coherent ways. Domineering people are often, if not always, unwilling to grant to each other, or grant to True-Lovers, any free will to be honest, authentic, civil, secure, balanced, reverent, creative, etc. Domineering people insist on being dominant, in-control, "The-Manager" --- even if that means that the victims of their domination are deprived of the freedom to be honest about themselves and how they and their relationships are significantly and meaningfully different from each other. An essential aspect of each "Domination System" is doing violence to: honesty, authenticity, cooperation, civility, hospitality, balance, mutuality, etc. --- so that one or only a few people can be: dominant, in- control, wealthy, healthy, etc. Under domineering people's control no well-extended community can be as-a-whole: healthy, wealthy, well-integrated, authentic, etc. That is why every greatly extended empire collapses as it becomes over-extended within Space-Ship-Earth which is limited in size. To be healthy, wealthy and wise --- we must together recognize, understand and talk publicly about the above realities of the relationships between domineering people and their dis-integrations of humane people and their humane communities. Domineering people cannot protect the integrities of people or communities --- because the essence of their domineering programs are all disintegrative effects. For domineering people to be "successful" at being dominant, "in control", they must seduce each other and "True-Lovers" into collusive games of mutual self deception wherein they all tacitly/covertly assume/agree that: 1. They are NOT different from each other. 2. Very few of them are to dominate and be-in-control. 3. Very few of them are to be wealthy/healthy. 4. Very few of them are to be superior to all others. 5. Very few of they will eventually get into "HEAVEN". 6. Very few of them will write/interpret ultimate laws. 7. Very few of them will get to use-up scarce-resources. 8. Very few of them can be secure-and-invulnerable. 9. Security is to be achieved through standardization. 10. Non-conformity is the essence of being evil-people. 11. Dominant people are qualified to approve ideal-forms. 12. Dominant people are qualified to enforce ideal-forms. 13. Non-conformists must not challenge any of the above. 14. It is everybody's duty to serve domineering people. 15. Acceptance depends upon perfect-conformity. 16. It is essential to be purified to become acceptable. 17. These eternal truths never change or evolve. 18. Very few people can understand these eternal truths. 19. It is arrogant to believe that many can understand. 20. Challengers are evil and must be destroyed promptly. Thinking True-Lovers will recognize that in the light of the above observations --- it is important to RESIST domineering people in ways which are: timely, gracious, non-violent, honest, gentle, liberating, reconciling, creative, integrative, healing, etc. It does no good to wait until small conflicts escalate to the levels of global wars and plans for mutually assured destruction with hydrogen bombs that create more chaos than can be imagined. It is important to focus our attention clearly upon many essential complementary-virtues; thereby RESISTING DOMINEERING PEOPLE's efforts to divert our attention toward being responsive to their demands, commands, prohibitions, prescriptions, proscriptions, challenges, attacks, preoccupations, etc. (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================