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%TRUE-LOVERS DOMINEERING-PEOPLE APPROACH MEETINGS 040930 %TRANSACTIONAL SYSTEMS ANALYSIS INTEGRATION HONESTY 040930 %SEE HEAR FEEL SMELL TASTE KNOWELEDGE WHO DEVILS IT 040930 %THOU SACRED HOLY REVERENCE SEXUAL UNDERSTAND ANGEL 040930 %FALLEN POWERS BEING TOGETHER COOPERATIVE PRESCRIBE 040930 %UNILATERAL WIN LOSE COMPETE CONTROL SALVATION GODS 040930 True-Lovers and Domineering-People approach each- other and relate to each-other in differing ways --- depending within each-meeting upon how the-other is inter- relating within the current meeting with other(s). Much depends upon (a) How-well and (b) With what kinds-of-integrities, True-Lovers and Domineering-People: 1. Approach each-other. 2. See-each-other. 3. Hear-each-other. 4. Feel-each-other. 5. Smell-each-other. 6. Taste-each-other. 7. Know-each-other. 8. Perceive each-other. 9. Understand each-other. 10. Describe each-other. 11. Tolerate each-other's differences. 12. Seek to relate to each-other. 13. Reveal-themselves to-each-other. 14. Conceal-themselves from-each-other. 15. Cooperate-with each-other. 16. Colaborate-with each-other. 17. Inter-relate-with each-other. 18. Are-intimate-with each-other. 19. Are-dominate-with each-other. 20. Are-contentious-with each-other. 21. Are-violent-with each-other. 22. Are-disintegrative-with each-other. 23. Are-integrative-with each-other. 24. Are-objective-with each-other as-objects. 25. Are-reflexive-with each-other as-authentic-ones. 26. Are-lovers-with each-other as-true-lovers. 27. Are-contestants-with each-other in-competitions. 28. Unilaterally-decide who-wins and who-loses. 29. Cooperatively-create true-sanctuaries for-all. 30. Cooperatively-share sweet-fruits of-all-labors. We cannot long be UNILATERALLY: 1. Right, 2. Righteous, 3. Well, 4. Wealthy, 5. Healthy, 6. Powerful, 7. Secure, 8. Invulnerable, 9. True, 10. Gracious, 11. Generous, 12. Saviors, 13. Saved, 14. Healers, 15. Democratic, 16. Rescuers, 17. Holy, 18. Sacred, 19. Reverent, 20. Humble, 21. Godly, 22. Ideal-forms, 23. Perfect, 24. Pure, 25. Independent, 26. Complete, 27. Ourselves, 28. Controllers, 29. Dominant, 30. Eternal. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - True-Lovers more-often know-and-acknolwedge what the above-words point-toward --- than do Domineering-People. Neither True-Lovers nor Domineering-People fully-know or acknowledge all that the above-words point-toward. Domineering-People often play collusive-games-of- mutual-self-deception in-regards-to what the above-words point-toward. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - True-Lovers often-cooperate in facilitating and promoting personal-and-communal integrations-and- integrities. Neither True-Lovers nor Domineering-People fully-know or enjoy all possible integrations or integrities. Domineering-People often act-unilaterally in ways which lead toward both personal and communal disintegrations. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - True-Lovers seek-to-live within The-Ways-Of-Love which transcend-and-subvert the unilateral-powers of: rules, laws, prescriptions, proscriptions, taboos, demands, commands, scripts, scriptures, traditions, formulas, formalities, ideal-forms, conformity, etc. Neither True-Lovers nor Domineering-People fully-know or enjoy all the integrative-possiblities of The-Ways-Of- Love. Domineering-People often act-unilaterally in ways which lead away from The-Ways-of-Love, and toward all of the possibilities of the disintegrations of all people, communities and their environments. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - True-Lovers persistently seek to respond to Domineering-People in Love's-Ways --- which are Not- Unilateral, Not-Domineering, Not-Coercive and Not- Violent. Neither True-Lovers nor Domineering-People fully-know nor fully-enjoy all of Love's-Mutually-Complementary-Ways. Domineering-People UNILATERALLY seek to take- advantage of all possible Legal-Ways, Formal-Ways and Technocratic-Tools to dominate True-Lovers and Domineering-People -- while just they THEMSELF are being invulnerable. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Be Cooperatively-Together In-Peace, not in pieces. Shalom (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================