This is Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay Click HERE on this line to find essays via Your-Key-Words. {Most frequent wordstarts of each essay will be put here.} ========================================================== %ALIENATION ROOTS FEED PERSONAL COMMUNAL DECAY SIN 031003 %WISE PRUDENT RESPONSES DISCERNING PERSONAL PRIDES 031003 %COMMUNAL DISINTEGRATION RECONCILIATION HEALING GOD 031003 %JUDGEMENTALISM SELF RIGHTEOUSNESS ARROGANCE LAWS 031003 %PRESCRIPTIONS PROSCRIPTIONS SCRIPTURES SCRIPTS IT 031003 %NUCLEAR WAR PEACEMAKING CONFLICT RESOLUTION LOVERS 031003 ALIENATION is the tap-root-which-feeds, both personal and communal disintegration. We cannot deal wisely and prudently with the various forms of dis-integration without discerning and dealing with the various forms of the roots-which-feed, both personal and communal dis-integration. Both personal and communal dis-integration can best be dealt with through reconciliation, healing and integration; NOT through: judgementalism, self-righteous- ness, arrogance, laws, prescriptions, proscriptions, and the coercive use of scripts and scriptures --- in efforts to rescue, control and/or dominate people who have been identified/labeled as EVIL-PEOPLE. ALIENATION is the central feature of, and perhaps the essence of, the EVIL-RELATIONSHIPS which occasion both personal and communal disintegrations. ALIENATED people cannot see clearly how their EVIL- RELATIONSHIPS blind them and make it difficult, if not impossible, to see the roots-which-feed, their personal and communal dis-integrations. ALIENATED people see no need for giving to each "different" or complementary: 1. Person, due-consideration, 2. Ideal, due-consideration, 3. Value, due-consideration, 4. Principle, due-consideration, 5. Goal, due-consideration, 6. Vision, due-consideration, 7. Hope, due-consideration, 8. Aspiration, due-consideration, 9. Relationship, due-consideration. Thus, ALIENATED people are prone to be: 1. Arrogant, 2. Self-righteous, 3. Falsely-proud, 4. Domineering, 5. Preoccupied with issues related to controls, 6. Insecure, 7. Defensive, 8. Preoccupied with eliminating vulnerability, 9. Abusers of techniques and technologies. The above "hints of alienation" may helpfully be used as POINTERS to situations where RECONCILIATION, HEALING and INTEGRATION need to be treated as HIGH-PRIORITIES. Alienated people are prone to demonstrate: attitudes, beliefs, convictions, assumptions, thought-patterns and behvaior-patterns which augment: the roots of, and the roots-which-feed, their personal and communal dis- integrations. That is to say, they are prone to augment the kinds of EVIL-RELATIONSHIPS which led to their alienation. Alienated people are prone to demonstrate: attitudes, beliefs, convictions, assumptions, thought-patterns and behvaior-patterns which augment the denigration of True- Lovers who threaten to reveal what realities dominate alienated people: 1. Dishonesty, 2. Deceptions, 3. Pretentiousness, 4. Mis-leading behaviors, 5. Collusive games of mutual self deception, 6. Addictions, 7. Codependent support of addictions, 8. Coalitions which concentrate power/wealth, 9. Narcissism, egotism, and ego-centrism. Alienated people rarely acknowledge the above to be signs of non-technical-dilemmas for which there are no- technical-solutions. Alienated people thus regularly attempt to address the above as TECHNICAL-PROBLEMS for which there "must" be TECHNICAL-SOLUTIONS which entail the use (and abuse) of tools like: 1. Controls, 2. Laws, 3. PreSCRIPTions, 4. ProSCRIPTions, 5. SCRIPTurers, 6. SCRIPTs, 7. FORMal commandments, 8. FORMalities, 9. FORMulas, 10. ConFORMity to IdealFORMs For alienated people the above uses and abuses lead naturally and cyclically to the use and abuse of the following familiar tools of manipulation as seen above: 1. Dishonesty, 2. Deceptions, 3. Pretentiousness, 4. Mis-leading behaviors, 5. Collusive games of mutual self deception, 6. Addictions, 7. Codependent support of addictions, 8. Coalitions which concentrate power/wealth, 9. Narcissism, egotism, and ego-centrism. For alienated people, disintegrative processes and procedures seem natural and inevitable. They cannot conceive of and cannot tolerate the processes of reconciliation and healing which threaten their "normal" patterns of defensive/alienative/disintegrative behaviors. Shalom! We are called to be healthy-peacemakers. While we are seeking to be healthy-peacemakers we find that our conceptions of what we should do and what each other feels/believes that we should do --- are strongly colored by the above differences between us in regards to our conceptions of how to respond to evil RELATIONSHIPS in the world. Our conceptions of healthy: ethics, morality, spirituality and behaviors --- are strongly influence by our conceptions of the essential aspects of evil, righteousness, propriety, and right-relationships. We may find ourselves embroiled in conflicts about our different conceptions in these regards. Our conceptions are often in conflict with each --- other because the roots of our conceptions are fed by ancient/pre-existing dysfunctional relationships which have been thoughtlessly respected, honored and supported. When we try to settle our conceptual conflicts through the use of any preponderance of any kind of: coalition, vote, force, power, dominantion, coercion, destruction, disintegration, etc. --- our mutual conflicts are thereby aggregavated and extended; NOT truly resolved. No collusive game of mutual self deception can truly change this fact of life and death. We must learn that conceptual conflicts can be settled only thorough cooperative efforts; NEVER through unilateral efforts; else we die through our tragically failed efforts to dominate and/or control each other. Beware of the fruits of EVIL-RELATIONSHIPS! See another nearly inter-related essay written on this date with this note at the end of it. (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================