This is Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay Click HERE on this line to find essays via Your-Key-Words. {Most frequent wordstarts of each essay will be put here.} ========================================================== %EXTREMISTS TERRORISTS MILITARISTS COMPENSATE SIN 030820 %FIXATED TECHNOCRATS PROBLEMS DILEMMAS PRIORITIES 030820 %COERCION VIOLENCE AVOID PURIFICATION RIGHTEOUS 030820 %RECONCILIATION FORGIVENESS MERCY HUMILITY JUSTICE 030820 %SISTERS BROTHERS NEIGHBORS PEACEMAKERS MILITANTS 030820 %ARROGANCE SELF OTHER COLLUSIVE GAMES DECEPTION 030820 Extremists often try to compensate for each others' going to their-own-one-extreme --- by themselves-going-to- an-opposite-extreme. 1. Militarists try-to-compensate for the extremists who-try-to-avoid-all-forms-of-violence-and-coercion --- by creating a military-system which is capable of making the whole of Space-Ship-Earth uninhabitable. 2. Lovers often-try-to-compensate for extreme- militarists' willingness-to-use-extreme-forms-of-coercion- and-violence --- by themselves trying to avoid-all-forms- of: military-action, police-action, coercion and violence. 3. Depraved-hedonists try-to-compensate for legalists, judgementalists, and technocratic people --- by behaving as if each person or couple can find fulfillment most fully by themselves-alone doing whatever seems right and most likely to bring them-alone pleasure here and now. 4. Legalists, judgementalists, and technocratic people try-to-compensate for-the-lack-of responsibility, propriety and self-restraint on the part of depraved hedonists --- by being-compulsively-concerned with issues- of: control, conformity, propriety, perfection, and refining: new-laws, prescriptions, proscriptions, and ways-of-being: better, superior and/or perfect. 5. Exclusive people-of-the-heart try-to-compensate for exclusive-people-of-the-mind --- by themselves trying to be purely-of-the-heart; without any concern for matters-of-the mind. The reverse also happens. 6. People-of-all-kinds often-try-to-reduce the good- life to being-purely-at-one-extreme of some dichotomous- purification-of and specialization-in the-affirmation- of-one-partial-truth --- through the-denigration-of- complementary but-apparently-contradictory-truths --- which are but-a-fragment-of the-whole-truth. In-truth the-whole-truth-is well-integrated-with-in diverse-people who are: whole, healthy and themselves well-integrated- diverse-members-of-sanctury-communities that-truly-demons- trate diverse-forms-of-communal-integrity. Because extremists are focused exclusively upon their own extreme position, they respond to others almost exclusively in terms of their own extreme position: 1. Others who have failed to join them in their own extreme position --- are seen as people who have failed to be true to the one-and-only-absolue-truth. 2. Others who demonstrate true integrity in successfully integrating many diverse truths into coherent whole-perspectives and insights --- are seen as traitors to the one-and-absolute-and-exclusive-truth. 3. Worse are those traitorous extremists who affirm only contradictions to our one and only, extreme, absolute and totally isolated truth. They can never be trusted with anything! Are YOU with me all the way! (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================