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This is Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay Click HERE on this line to find essays via Your-Key-Words. {Most frequent wordstarts of each essay will be put here.} ========================================================== %HUMANE COMMUNITIES FORMATION SURVIVAL BOUNDARIES 030517 %ACCEPTED REJECTED EXCLUDED INCLUDED PRIVILEGED GOD 030517 %INFLUENTIAL POWERS CONCENTRATIONS BEING TOGETHER 030517 %COOPERATE COLLABORATORS ENFORCEMENT POLICE FORCES 030517 %SMALL INTIMATE GROUPS TOLERATED FORBIDDEN REPRESS 030517 %DOMINATION SYSTEM SEXUAL TABOOS ALIENATION WEALTH 030517 Humane communities cannot form and survive without some boundaries which speak gracefully to issues such as those pointed to by the following questions: 1. Who should be IN, and who should be OUT? 2. Who should have what: privilege, powers and opportunities to be influential; and who SHOULD NOT? 3. How much and what kinds of powers should be CONCENTRATED in a few people; and how much and what kinds of power should be distributed WIDELY among all those in the community --- however the community is defined? 4. How sharp should the boundary lines be: drawn, articulated, enforced? By what methods, and by whom? Should they be fuzzy boundaries, dichotomous; both kinds, or all of one kind? 5. What kinds of subsidiary communities should be tolerated, forbidden, repressed, destroyed, etc? 6. What kinds of further considerations should play major, if not dominant roles, in responding to the above initial questions? a. Theological? b. Mythological? c. Cosmological? d. Philosophical? e. Ritualistic? f. Confessional? g. Scientific? h. Gender roles/duties? i. Sexual orientation? j. Sexual behavior in private? k. Sexual behavior in small groups? l. Sexual behavior in public? m. Sexual discussions in public? n. How fully should taboos on discussions of sexual behaviors be regulated in private/public? By what means, alienative ones? o. How should broken-taboos be dealt with? Through punishments, excommunications, formalities, very informal procedures, etc? p. What Wealth concentrations should be tolerated; redistributed? How much attention should be given to: q. Openness and honesty? r. Authenticity and integrity? s. Dis-ease and diseases? t. Vulnerability, security & sanctuaries? u. Domination and codependence? v. Addictions and collusions? w. Domination Systems of various kinds? x. Arrogance and self-righteousness? y. Humility and repentance? z. Conformity and creativity? How are covenants, (formal and/or informal) --- which guide communities and small groups to come into being --- to be honored for-the-common-good? (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================