This is Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay Click HERE on this line to find essays via Your-Key-Words. {Most frequent wordstarts of each essay will be put here.} ========================================================== %RIGHTS DOMINEERING SUPPORTERS DOMINATION SYSTEM+030421 %HIDE CHECKS BALANCES HIDDEN DISHONESTY PATTERNS+030421 %THREATS PUNISHMENT MISLEAD EXCLUSIVE DICHOTOMOUS+030421 %CONTROLS ACCESS TERRITORY BOUNDARY LAWS COMMAND+030421 %RELIGIOUS FUNDAMENTALISTS ULTIMATE CONCERNS SINS 030421 What rights should we grant to domineering supporters of "The Domination System"? Should they have any rights? Yes, the same basic rights everybody should have! However, should they have the following rights? 1. To be free to maintain and hide "The Domination System" (without restraint through checks and balances)? 2. To keep hidden from public view just how "The Domination System" works, functions, exerts influence, controls-things, controls-people, concentrates powers? 3. To hide dishonest patterns of coercion and controls from public view? 4. To hide threats, punishments, and misleading patterns of "logic" and "reasoning"? 5. To function in terms of mutually-exclusive- questions which must be responded to with either "YES" or "NO" (the foundational assumptions behind the questions being kept un-questionable)? 6. Concentrate more wealth, power and ability-to- influence-governments -- into fewer hidden hands? 7. To control access to information regarding the ways in which powerful and wealthy people are using their power and wealth --- to concentrate more power and wealth into their own hands. 8. To disseminate dis-information and not be challenged in the market places of free and open discussion about who merits the trust, respect, honor and support of the most vulnerable commoners? 9. To punish people who ask embarrassing questions and/or who expose the lack of integrity among domineering and powerful people? 10. To expand the "territory" over which domineering people have dominion and control; e.g., through the formation of multi-national corporations which are NOT effectively regulated by any nation-state or any inter-national government? 11. To embed in formal governmental policies, laws and rules the mandates of any one religious-tradition or point of view; at the expense of denigrating the complementary perspectives and points of view of other religious-traditions and cultural views. 12. To threaten and/or undermine the complementary integrities of people whose primary crime is to expose to public view the lack of integrity of domineering people who support "The Domination System." (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================