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This is Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay Click HERE on this line to find essays via Your-Key-Words. {Most frequent wordstarts of each essay will be put here.} ========================================================== %INTRUSION INTO PRIVATE LIVES RIGHTS THOUGHTS SIN+020209 %CHANGING EVOLVING BELIEFS DESIRES VISIONS DREAMS+020209 %PRAYERS MEDIATION MORALITY INTIMACY SEXUALITY+020209 %REBELLION RESENTMENT ANGER RAGE REVENGE LOVERS+020209 %TERRORISM INQUISITIONS EXCOMMUNICATIONS REJECTION+020209 %HEISENBERG UNCERTAINTY PRINCIPLE COMPLEMENTARY 020209 The more that domineering religious leaders insist on knowing how their ostensible followers behave in private circumstances and relationships --- the less that domineering religious leaders will know about the private: attitudes, thoughts, desires, hopes, dreams, prayer- life, relationships and aspirations of those who are dominated. The coercive domination which is entailed in getting knowledge of behavior in private circumstances and relationships --- undermines the possibility of learning much of anything about private: attitudes, thoughts, desires, hopes, dreams, prayer-live, relationships and aspirations of those whom they dominate. The above is parallel to the situation faced by any physicist who insists on knowing exactly where an electron is at a given instant in time --- and uses a super high energy 2nd electron hitting the first electron along a well defined path to find the location of the first electron at the instant of collision --- by tracing back along the outgoing paths of the electrons to where the collision must have taken place. The super high energy 2nd electron is what must be used because the wavelengths of electrons become longer the less energy they have. Low energy electrons have long wavelengths and cannot be used to accurately define the lines of travel of low energy electrons. The dilemma is that the physicist must sacrifice knowledge about how the first electron was moving --- at the instant of collision in order to get accurate information about exactly where the collision between the electrons occurred. The high energy 2nd electron has so much energy that the violent collision totally overwhelms the 1st electron and what it was doing at the moment of collision. The above dilemma of physicists was first well articulated by the physicist Dr. Heisenberg and is known among physicists world-wide via the statement of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle which says: The product of the estimate of error in the knowledge of the position of the first particle --- multiplied times the estimate of error of the knowledge of the linear momentum of the 2nd particle --- will exceed the Plank Constant which is about the following size in the International System of Units. 0.000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,1 The more that is known about the exact position of the first particle, the less than can be known about how it was moving at the instant of collision between the two particles. In a similar way, the more that a person insists upon knowing about the private aspects of another person's life; the less the domineering person can know about the changing features of the private aspects of the other person's life. Intrusion into the private lives of people makes knowledge about the private lives of people impossible to acquire. The intruders are playing collusive games of mutual self deception if they think that they are learning much of anything about the private lives of people into whose lives they intrude coercively. Such intruders are destructive fools who are dishonest with themselves and others. Be aware and beware of sin! (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================