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How - CAN - WE,    as overt   AND/OR   complicit   participants in - - -

OUR - OWN - Alienative-Conflicts    over-the-distribution-of   LIMITED-CONSUMER-GOODS - - -


How best to facilitate   OUR-LOCAL-COMMUNITIES'  Making-Sustainable-Transitions - - -

Toward a   Sustainable   Civil-and-Cooperative   Global-Civilization   within God's - - -

Astronomically-Tiny-and-Essentially-Isolated - - - Spherical-Space-Ship-Earth - - -

Dealing Openly-Honestly-and-Publicly with the Objective-Consequences of Endless

Exponential-Growths in our Annual-Rates of Consuming/Degrading  Essential-Finite  Pure-MATERIAL-Resources - - -

That are NOW-PRESENT  - - - and will be   Accessible-to-Humans'  - - - Endlessly-Exponentially-Growing  - - - 

Extraction,  Purification  and  Un-Sustainable-Uses within  Space-Ship-Earth; i.e. of Pure-MATERIAL-Resources of: 

Oil,     Natural-Gas,   Coal  and  Other-Organic-Fuels;  

U-235,   U-238,   Plutonium;   Hydrogen,   Deuterium,   Lithium   and other  Thermo-Nuclear-Fuels,

Air,     Water,         Soils;

Gold,    Silver,        Platinum,  Copper,  Nickel,  Titanium,  Chromium,  Rare-Earth-Elements, etc.


In One-Troubling-Way-or-Another, the above Exponential-Growth-Rates   Will-Decrease-Far-Toward   Zero-Growth-Rates - -

During-the-lifetimes-of-people   Now-Alive;  Along-With   Their-Children's-and-Grandchildren's lives.  
The above   Substantial-Decreases   in Exponential-Growth-Rates    CANNOT  be  avoided-or-prevented!

The best that we can do - - - is to Mitigate   ALL-of-OUR  Alienative-Conflicts during the Troubling-Transitions!

This text is available at http://www.anymore.htm   The Core-Issues here are about Quantitative-Objective-Facts-of-Life; 

- - - Along with   Questions-About   how we can most graciously/effectively Mitigate-Our-Own-Alienative-Conflicts!

   Be Graciously-Together  In-Shalom   Within   God's  Astronomically-Tiny-and-Isolated   Space-Ship  Mother-Earth!

    Beware of Getting-Seduced-Into  Trying-to-WIN   Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception   About-these-Issues!