This is Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay Click HERE on this line to find essays via Your-Key-Words. {Most frequent wordstarts of each essay will be put here.} ========================================================== %SINS NEGLECT REFUSE REFLEXIVE AMBIGUITY PARADOX+960930 %CONTRADICT HOLY SCRIPTURE CHAOS UNCERTAIN KNOW+960930 %COMPLEXITIES COST EXCLUSIVE NARROW IMBALANCE+960930 %ENVIRONMENT CONSTRAIN IMPOSSIBLE ADDICT COLLUDE 960930 Extremists are prone to promote personal and communal disintegration through neglecting (or refusing) to deal openly and honesty with: 1. Reflexive realities 2. Ambiguity 3. Contradictions in Holy Scriptures 4. Chaotic processes 5. Uncertainty 6. Complexities 7. Costs of exclusivity/narrowness 8. Unbalanced selectivity 9. Environmental constraints 10. Impossibilities 11. Addictions, codependency & collusions. 1. Compulsively objective people pretend that reflexive realities do not exist or are of no importance relative to objective realities upon which competent people can agree. 2. Ambiguity stands in the way of people who want to be absolutely certain about everything that they know. They cannot be in control (or appear to be in control) if they acknowledge ambiguity when it stands in their way. 3. Contradictions in Holy Scriptures undermine the appearance of certainty in regards to authority--- engendering ambiguity where extremists want everything to be clear and simple. 4. Chaotic processes are unpredictable in ways which undermine extremists' desires to be sure of the import of the outcomes of their efforts. To acknowledge that processes in which one is involved are chaotic is to surrender and fail to be in charge of events. 5. To acknowledge uncertainty is to undermine confidence in and commitment/dedication to the holy cause. 6. To acknowledge the complexities in situations is to threaten our confidence in the analysis of what should and must be done. We can be sure about simple situations, not about complicated situations. 7. To acknowledge the costs of exclusivity and narrowness is to undermine the foundations of extremists' agendas. Extremists make sense of situations by what and whom they exclude from favorable consideration. 8. The essence of extremists' efforts is to be unbalanced in assumptions, perceptions, analysis and conclusions. To acknowledge that it is wise to seek balance is to give up the essence of being an extremist. 9. To acknowledge environmental constraints upon what can be done is to give up hope of being fully in charge of determining what is to be done. Extremists are driven by visions of what they want to be true and try to make be true. Honesty about personal and resource limitations stands in the way of such visions. 10. For extremists to acknowledge that considerations which are not under the control of extremists make it impossible to fulfill their agenda is to surrender to the enemy, truth and love. 11. For extremists to acknowledge the presence of addictions, codependency and collusions as realities which might influence the extremists' agendas is to surrender to the enemy, truth and love. (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================