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This is Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay Click HERE on this line to find essays via Your-Key-Words. {Most frequent wordstarts of each essay will be put here.} ========================================================== %TRANSCEND ESCAPE SALVATION DICHOTOMY YES NO EVIL+960813 %COLLUSION ADDICTION SIN ALIENATION ACCEPT REJECT+960813 %JAIL KEEPER QUESTIONS PRISONER VICTIMS PREOCCUPY 960813 It is difficult to escape from the prison of dichotomous questions and thinking---because the jail keepers are dedicated to asking dichotomous questions and the prisoners are preoccupied with trying to answer dichotomous questions. Dichotomous questions are often misleading questions; demanding that the person questioned accept the false assumptions upon which the question is based---and answer in one of two ways, both of which accept the false assumptions. Dichotomous questions invite/demand dishonesty in dichotomous responses. Dichotomous jail keepers and prisoners are prone to accept/reject others in terms of dichotomous questions. Are "they" "traitors" or "loyalists"? There is a tacit rule which says that in case of doubt assume that "they" are "traitors"? The unknown person is "guilty" until proven "innocent". It is informal dichotomous rules which count, unless there are formal dichotomous rules are consistent with dichotomous informal rules. It is difficult to escape from the prison of dichotomous questions and thinking---because the jailers and prisoners favor alienation over reconciliation, distrust over cooperation, silence over dialogue, deception over integrity, and suspicion over respect. In each instance it is an either/or question. People who do not respect either/or questions are rejected; not trusted. (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================