This is Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay Click HERE on this line to find essays via Your-Key-Words. {Most frequent wordstarts of each essay will be put here.} ========================================================== %SCOPE PERSONAL COMMUNAL GLOBAL INTEGRITY ENVIRON+960515 %POWER CORRUPT RESPECT TRANSCEND IDEAL VALUES SIN+960515 %EVIL CONFLICT RESOLUTION TRAGIC DILEMMA FAILURES 960515 When we seek to identify transcendent ideals and values we need to recognize how personal, communal, global and environmental integrity are all essentially interconnected. If we fail to perceive and respect their essential interconnections---we fail to transcend our selfish and provincial ideals and values. Personal integrity is ultimately impossible in a community which has no respect for communal integrity. Communal integrity is ultimately impossible in a community where individualistic persons have no respect for personal integrity. Communal integrity is ultimately impossible in a world dominated by nation states which have no respect for the integrity of small communities. Global and environmental integrity are ultimately impossible in a world dominated by communal factions which have no respect for each other's integrity. Personal integrity is ultimately impossible in a global community which has no respect for personal integrity. Global and environmental integrity are ultimately impossible in a world dominated by selfish individualists who have no respect for global and environmental integrity. One level of integrity cannot be advanced with indifference towards another level of integrity. The integrity of one special group cannot be advanced at the expense of the integrity of another special interest group. No kind of integrity can be advanced through the use of dishonesty, deception, confusion, ignorance, coercion, violence, threats, alienations, condemnations, or excommunications---for they are all of them essentially disintegrative. It is not integrative to pretend that the above statements do not point to important truths. There is no escaping the disintegrative consequences of disintegrative ideals, values, assumptions, attitudes, and collusive games of mutual self deception---regardless of how many powerful and respected people are supportive of them. (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================