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This is Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay Click HERE on this line to find essays via Your-Key-Words. {Most frequent wordstarts of each essay will be put here.} ========================================================== %MYTHS OBJECT REFLEXIVE DESCRIPTION HUMAN RELATION 960330 Must religious truths be cast in the form of myths which many people are prone to take literally as statements about objective realities at some time and place? Are there no alternative ways by which to point to and call attention to the nature of integrative and disintegrative human relationships; and to the and origins of differences between them. Must we be limited to past myths and stories which people are prone to regard as being in some sense parallel to objective statements about impersonal things and relationships? Must new insights be cast in the same form of language as past myths? If so, for what reason? Is the reason worthy of ultimate concern, respect, adoration and worship? Is the reason to be regarded as being on a par with God? Is God not powerful enough to change the reason? Can ancient myths which have pointed to integrative truths be discerned to point to truths which are similar to modern descriptions of the differences between disintegrative and integrative human relationships? If not, why not? Is the reason a reason which cannot be changed by God? If so, why? Is the reason an absolute of the Cosmos? Can ancient myths which have engendered confusion and needless conflict be transcended? Must they be regarded as being beyond question, just because they can be found in what has often been regarded as "holy scriptures." What is "holy" disintegrative about myths which have lead people to engage in endless conflict---in the absence of peacemaking which would help those who are involved in the conflict to resolve the conflict creatively in mutually integrative ways? How are we to discern the difference between such "holy" myths and true myths which lead to personal and communal integrity? (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================