This is Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay Click HERE on this line to find essays via Your-Key-Words. {Most frequent wordstarts of each essay will be put here.} ========================================================== %DILEMMA DRAW BOUNDARY BETWEEN PUBLIC PRIVATE LIFE+950219 %CONSENSUS CONSEQUENCE CAUSE EFFECT RIGHTS NEEDS 950219 Many of our most difficult dilemmas pertain to the development of a public consensus about how to publicly draw helpful boundaries between our public and our private lives. The following considerations suggest the nature of some of the difficulties which we encounter: 1. If some person's behavior ultimately has natural public consequences, is that behavior "public" by virtue of its ultimate public consequences? 2. If some solo behavior on the part of one person is secret and has no demonstrable public consequence, is such solo behavior private behavior in spite of some people's curiosity about the solo behavior of the person involved. 3. If some dual behavior on the part of two persons is secret and has no demonstrable public consequence, is such dual behavior private behavior in spite of some people's curiosity about the dual behavior of the two persons. 4. If some trio behavior on the part of three persons is secret and has no demonstrable public consequence, is such trio behavior private behavior in spite of some people's curiosity about the trio behavior of the three persons? 5. Does public curiosity about the solo, dual or trio behavior of persons of itself make their behavior be public behavior, even if there is no other demonstrable public consequence of their behavior? 6. How soon must there be demonstrable public consequences due to some behavior, for the behavior to be unquestionably "public" behavior. 7. Must public consequence of behavior actually occur before the behavior is to be considered public behavior, or is it enough for the public to reasonably (or fearfully) expect the consequences to occur? 8. Is the difference between "private" and "public" behavior to be defined in terms of formal legislation, or in terms of informal moral codes which are not formalized by legislation and formal judicial procedures. 9. Is behavior which is intended (perhaps naively) to be purely private behavior always private, even if there are ultimately public consequences? 10. Is secret behavior which is intended to have eventual public consequences thereby public behavior? 11. Can dishonest behavior ever be truly private behavior? 12. Can truly honest behavior ever be fully public? 13. Can behavior which is driven and guided by fear ever be truly private behavior? 14. Can truly fearless behavior ever be fully public? 15. If the consequences of some behavior cannot be predicted with reasonable confidence, can we clearly label it as either public or private behavior. 16. What price should the public be willing to pay to defend the rights of its members to engage in truly private forms of behaviors? (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================