This is Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay Click HERE on this line to find essays via Your-Key-Words. {Most frequent wordstarts of each essay will be put here.} ========================================================== %YES NO DICHOTOMOUS FILTER DECISION EXCLUDE INCLUDE 941230 We cannot pay attention to everything and everybody. We must focus our attention according to some paradigm; some pattern of criteria, filters, or principles. In some way we must distinguish between the people and possible foci of attention that will play major roles in our lives, and those which will play no roles, or only minor roles. This is a risky business! Often people fall into the trap of being compulsively preoccupied with or fixated upon dichotomous distinctions and/or decisions. When shades of gray between black and white are not permitted in our lives---we are likely to fall into dichotomous traps of false distinctions. We are unlikely to be honest if all shades of gray are treated as if they were either black or white. If all hues of color are reduced to red or blue at opposite ends of the spectrum of light---we are being dishonest about the full palette of colors. When every person is viewed either as a mortal enemy or as a best friend---we are trapped in dichotomous thinking. When every text is either sacred and holy, or of the devil---we are imprisoned by dichotomous thinking. When every fact is clearly objective-reliable, or reflexive-unreliable---we are caught in a dichotomous double bind were we are out of touch with reality because we have filtered out many elements of balanced living. When we feel that all questions must be formulated so that the answers take the form of either YES or NO---we are caught in dichotomous prisons. Balance is not always a matter of either/or. Often balance occurs in more than one dimension, and can occur in virtually any number of dimensions at one time. Questions do not have to be asked in terms of either Yes or No. Questions can be asked in terms of what proportions of "A", "B", "C", "D", . . . etc. Questions can be asked in terms of what differing kinds of attention shall be given to "A", "B", "C", "D", . . . etc. Questions can be asked in terms of under what circumstances, in what manner, and by what people should attention be given to "A", "B", "C", "D", . . . etc. Questions need not be limited to dichotomous questions or non-dichotomous questions. Some questions may be dichotomous questions---and other questions may transcend the preoccupations of dichotomous people and paradigms. Only people who are intensely insecure tend to fixated upon just dichotomous questions. They tend to be defensive and to make others defensive---and so to undermine personal and communal integrity. (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================