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This is Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay Click HERE on this line to find essays via Your-Key-Words. {Most frequent wordstarts of each essay will be put here.} ========================================================== %SINS OMISSION COMMISSION TRANSGRESSION VIOLATE+940709 %LAW PROHIBITION PRESCRIPTION NEGLECT LACK TABOO 940709 People are more often found guilty of doing what has been proscribed than they are found guilty of not doing what has been prescribed. Conceptually, it is simpler to deal with the violations of proscriptions than the neglect of prescriptions --- because it is harder to achieve a consensus that the terms of the prescription were neglected than consensus that the terms of the proscription were violated. It is easier to show that a particular person harmed another person when they should not have so harmed the other person, than it is to show that a particular person failed to help another person when the law clearly required that help be given. The exceptions to the contrast noted above are often found in the realm of paying taxes and filling out reports; "paper crimes". The contrast is clearest in the instance of "crimes of passion". The law can more clearly prohibit crimes of passion than it can require passionate affirmations. Appropriate expressions of emotion cannot be required with integrity as easily as inappropriate expressions of emotion can be forbidden with integrity. In light of the above noted contrasts, it is more common that systemic weaknesses in communal patterns and structures most often have to do with: lacks, omissions, neglects and oversights; for example, with regards to: HONESTY OPENNESS RESPONSIVENESS TRUST FAITH BELIEF CARE CONCERN LOVE COMPASSION FEELING SPONTANEITY INTEGRITY COOPERATION AGREEMENT CONSENSUS INSIGHT PERCEPTION ACCEPTANCE WILLINGNESS DESIRE The above words suggest much that (in appropriate contexts) is desirable; but suggest little that can be required with the force of law. The systemic lack of what cannot be prescribed with the force of law --- often feeds the kinds of behaviors which are often prescribed with the force of law. This suggests that much more attention may need to be directed to dealing with systemic lacks which cannot be prescribed with the force of law; but which nevertheless is essential to personal and communal integrity. Passing laws which might seek to require such attention may not be helpful --- because passing such laws would be a technocratic response to a dilemma treated as if it were a technical problem. The dilemma is to discern how to respond to the dilemma (in a non-technocratic way) with wisdom, love, compassion, insight and spiritual understanding of the reflexive relationships; rather than in terms of a technical analysis leading to analytic understanding and technical manipulations. (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================