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This is Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay Click HERE on this line to find essays via Your-Key-Words. {Most frequent wordstarts of each essay will be put here.} ========================================================== %EXCESS NEGLECT LACK BALANCE EXCLUSIVE DICHOTOMY+930603 %LOVE HEALTH PRESCRIBE PROHIBIT TABOO VIOLENCE JOY 930603 Balance is essential to healthy living, but how may we define balance as regards healthy living? Numerical equations and equipment for making measurement are not essential to the enjoyment of balanced living. Sophistication and complexity are not keys to balanced living. Prescriptions and prohibitions are not essential to the enjoyment of balanced living. The total avoidance of taboo experiences and perceptions is not the essence. Respect for the rules of collusions and addicts is not the way to living balanced lives. Fanatical dichotomous thinking is not essential. Exclusivity is not the key to balanced living. The use of violence to enforce balanced living is misguided. How then are we to recognize the difference between balanced living and unbalanced living? If we are not enjoying life because of excesses of any kind, we are not living balanced lives. Excesses of one kind in unbalanced living, lead to the neglect of essential aspects of healthy balanced living. We need to look for the connections between excesses one kind, and neglects and lacks of other kinds; which together lead to the absence of joy, enjoyment, communication, dialogue, listening, intimacy, affection, communal integrity and personal integrity. Unbalanced living often occurs because of our unbalanced affirmations of the importance of one kind of value and/or ideal without respect for the complementary kinds of values and/or ideals. Unbalanced living is often rooted in exclusivity of one kind or another. Exclusivity is in turn often rooted in dichotomous attitudes, beliefs, and thought patterns---which lead us to act as if we know the difference between good and evil: people, attitudes, beliefs, thoughts, perceptions, experiences, and behaviors. If we trust such "knowledge" we are unlikely to trust each other; and so we are likely to suffer all of the consequences of rejection, excommunication, alienation, and disintegration. We need to search for integrity and honesty in our patterns of whom and what we trust. In the absence of such searching we are likely to become unbalanced and not enjoy each other or life. (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================