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This is Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay Click HERE on this line to find essays via Your-Key-Words. {Most frequent wordstarts of each essay will be put here.} ========================================================== %EXCEPTION CONFORM EXPECT ACCEPT REJECT PRIVATE 921225 What is an appropriate focus of human concern at all places and at all times? What is there that can can properly be of concern in each and every situation, context, time, and circumstance; without exception? What is the nature of whatever may properly be of concern in each and every situation, context, time, place, and circumstance; without exception? What is ultimately worthy of worship and sacrifice? What can be worshipped without idolatry? 1. Some particular kind, style, or spirit of conformity to cultural norms and expectations? 2. Meeting some cultural criteria for cultural acceptability in each and every situation? 3. Conforming to conventional communal expectations in all private situations; as well as in all public situations? 4. Conforming to some culture's tacit or explicit definitions of acceptable behavior patterns which the culture says are what God's expects of humans, for humans to acceptable in God's eyes? 5. Appearing in each and every situation to desire, want, yearn for, and seek to fulfill expectations which are defined apart from self; even if the appearances are dishonest? 6. Giving others the freedom in some situations to desire, want, yearn for, and seek to fulfill possibilities which are NOT defined apart from self; but which flow truly and honestly from the core of their seeking to be themselves with integrity so as to contribute to the integrity of the community? 7. Requiring of self and others in all situations to desire, want, yearn for, and seek to fulfill only possibilities which ARE defined apart from self; and which do NOT flow truly and honestly from the core of their being themselves with integrity in a community dedicated to promoting personal integrity? 8. Asking only those questions which one's own culture, community and nearest and dearest ones have defined to be proper, decent, appropriate, reasonable, polite, respectful, and acceptable? 9. Always behaving, thinking, and feeling in ways which fulfill other people's expectations, desires, needs? 10. Never, not even in private with one's loved ones, to behave in ways other than those ways which one's own culture, community and nearest and dearest ones have defined to be proper, decent, appropriate, reasonable, polite, respectful, and acceptable? Can we be people and communities of integrity without openly and honestly discussing the above kinds of questions; or should some of the questions be taboo and punishable by rejection, excommunication, expulsion or other forms of separation from the community? See the following essay. (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================