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This is Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay Click HERE on this line to find essays via Your-Key-Words. {Most frequent wordstarts of each essay will be put here.} ========================================================== %CONTROL PEOPLE RELATIONSHIPS THINGS CAUSE EFFECTS 890627 It is not always clear just what it is that people are trying to control: things, people, relationships, causes, effects, perceptions, appearances, thoughts, feelings, beliefs? Any attempt to be in control must be based upon some preconception of cause and effect and some preconception of the nature of the possible relationships between self and others. To be in control means being able to cause some chosen effect to occur, by choosing to behave oneself in ways which will cause others to behave so as to cause the desired effect to occur. Being in control of others means being in control of self so as to cause others to behave according to self's plan. This entails some theory of how others will behave in response to self's behavior. Any attempt to be in control of others' behavior will fail if the theory of how they will behave is faulty. If Jack thinks that other people think and feel as Jack things and feels, and they do not; then Jack will fail in his efforts to be in control of other people's behavior. To be in control one must know those whom one would control, and know them well. Trying to be in control of people generates alienation between the controller and the controlled; they play games of mutual self deception and do not know each other well. To be in control one must know those whom one would control, and know them well. The attempt is doomed to failure! Yet, such attempts do not cease because they entail games of mutual self deception according to which the attempts are not futile. The process of trying to be in control is a dishonest process of trying to be in control of appearances; even if not being in control of reality. Things behave according to the natural laws of natural objects; e.g., Newton's Laws of motion and gravity, Maxwell's laws regarding electromagnetic processes, and the laws of quantum mechanics. Things can not be caused to violate these laws; scientists manipulate things by understanding these laws and by choosing to modify their own scientific behavior to get things to behave in keeping with natural laws in ways which satisfy the desires of the scientists. People do not behave according to natural laws which describe personal behavior with the reliability of the laws of Newton, Maxwell and Quantum Mechanics. There are no descriptive laws which describe human behavior with such reliability. To believe that such laws exist in the abstract but unknown to people, is a futile exercise which serves no helpful purpose. People do behave in general patterns, but such general patterns do not provide a reliable means to be in control of people the way in which scientific laws provide means for the manipulation of impersonal objects. People who feel that they are being manipulated respond in unpredictable ways precisely to avoid effective manipulation. By being unpredictable real people avoid effective manipulation. Part of the process of avoiding effective manipulation is the process of misleading the manipulators into thinking that they are being successful. Manipulation leads to alienation because manipulation leads to efforts to avoid manipulation through misleading responses to manipulation. People do not like to be controlled and find ways to be themselves with integrity in spite of efforts to control them. Attempts to control people fail because such attempts are based upon false preconceptions, and the attempts lead to deepening ignorance regarding the relationships among the people who are to be controlled. (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================