This is Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay Click HERE on this line to find essays via Your-Key-Words. {Most frequent wordstarts of each essay will be put here.} ========================================================== %UNDERSTANDING COMFORTABLE ANNALIST 870623 Understanding is often a means to feeling comfortable, to resolving dissonance. We seek to understand the unfamiliar, in terms of that with which we are comfortable. That which is mysterious leaves us uncomfortable because we can not understand it in terms of anything which is familiar, in terms of anything with which we are comfortable. That which is essentially mysterious does not yield to analysis as a means to comfort. That which is essentially mysterious is essentially unlike anything which is familiar, and can not be made to appear comfortable by making it to appear like anything which is comfortable. Analysis seeks to make that which is initially uncomfortable appear to us like that which is comfortable. We are comfortable with that which is familiar because we have been comforted by others in the presence of that which is familiar. We are comfortable with what our culture has taught us to feel comfortable through demonstration of comfort in its presence. Uncomfortable analysis in the presence of that which is essentially mysterious does not help us to be comfortable in its presence. Such analysis leaves us feeling that the analysis did not get to the heart of what made us uncomfortable; the annalist was not comfortable in the analysis. The annalist did not comfort us in the presence of that which was essentially mysterious when we were in its presence. To understand that which is essentially mysterious is to be comfortable in its presence through being comforted in its presence and finding that both personal and communal integrity can survive in its presence. We are uncomfortable when we feel our communal and/or personal integrity are threatened. We are comforted when we discover by experience that our communal and personal integrity can endure in the presence of that which is essentially mysterious, and which we can not understand through analysis to reduce it into familiar elements related to each other in already familiar ways---even though the combination of elements and/or relationships might be new to us. To maintain our integrity we need to comfort each other in the presence of that which is essentially mysterious and is accepted as such. (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================