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This is Previous-Essay <== This-Essay ==> Following-Essay Click HERE on this line to find essays via Your-Key-Words. {Most frequent wordstarts of each essay will be put here.} ========================================================== %RELATIONSHIPS AGENDA 870429 Personal relationships entail agenda items upon which participants may or may not agree. Participants may agree to be in conflict. Participants' agreement may lead them to find creative ways to resolve conflicts, rather than to perpetuate conflict. Participants may agree to restrict continuing conflict to certain kinds of issues, and to resolve conflicts regarding other kinds of issues. Some relationships are dominated by conflict over the agenda for the relationship, and who will control the agenda. Participants may not agree upon the central focus of the relationship and what transcendent purpose the relationships will serve. The relationship is then defined by the conflict over what the nature of the relationship should be; rather than by any purpose which transcends the relationship. Participants in such relationships are often trapped in their relationships with no anchor outside the relationship by which to escape the prisons of the relationships. They need integrative help from outside the relationship to help them become integrated as persons of integrity in a community with integrity. They can not achieve integration on their own. Addicts and people who enable addicts to continue being addicts are trapped in relationships which have agendas which are not integrative in character. The agendas do not transcend the relationships and entrap the participants in the relationships of addiction to self centered needs, rather than focus upon integrative desires which reach out into a community with integrity which is guided and motivated by healthy love. Often participants in relationships are unaware of the nature of their agenda items; the items may be tacit, unspoken, unrecognized, and even secret. If participants are addicts or otherwise participants in collusive games of mutual self deception, their agenda items are accordingly hidden from examination and appraisal. They do not control their agendas, their agendas control them. To enjoy integrity and security they need to become aware of their agendas and learn to openly negotiate changes in the agendas which lead their relationship. (c) 2005 by Paul A. Smith in (On Being Yourself, Whole and Healthy) ==========================================================