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\par Last Updated: 10-04-04. \par
\par The United Nations Association of the USA (UNA-USA) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization of over 170 chapters across the United States. The chapters support the work of the United Nations for world peace and justice. They educate and inform the general public about the UN activities and provide opportunities for civic participation in important social and economic issues facing the world today. Some of the areas include human rights, removal of landmines, health, the spread of democractic forms of governance, international justice, terrorism, security, environment, and economic development. \par
\par We realize that this list encompasses such a wide range of Global Problem Areas, that interested citizens can feel overwhelmed. For a more thorough list of the many problem areas in which the UN is involved, see: A List of Interest Areas and also see the national UNA-USA website and the UN website. Another interesting site that shows the breadth of UN activity is: UN News Items. The first two sites are also linked to at the bottom of this page. Of importance in the UNA-USA website is the Washington Report and the E-Action Network. Both of these sites are linked to from the main UNA-USA page. The link to E-Action is in the upper right part of the posting and the Washington Report is about half way down under POLICY. \par
\par Another activity that a UNA-USA Chapter could provide is a framework to help organize these many areas and their interactions. Then chapter members could select areas of interest for further study. One such framework might be based upon an expansion of some ideas about how basic values and institutions interrelate with each other. See Managing Institutional Change.\par
\par The United Nations Association/Northern Colorado Chapter bylaws were officially approved in Mid May 2004 by the National office of UNA-USA. We had elections and now of an official list of officers as of July 2, 2004. Thus we are an official chapter, a group of over 40 UNA members from Larimer County. We are busily engaged in planning programs and seeking more members. If you are interested, please contact: either: Eleanor Dwight, President Elect, at 377-0863; Margaret Smith, President, at 493-3857; Ken Tharp, Vice President, at 484-7033; Hugh Sanborn, Treasurer, at 225-0983; or Charlie Notess, Secretary, at 613-9967. Addresses are listed under CONTACTS in the left-hand frame on your screen, or by clicking on: Contacts.\par
\par The Colorado State Division can be reached via e-mail at: unaco@earthlink.net or at: 303-832-4765. There is another chapter in Boulder, CO. at: E-mail: marclomorrisson@cs.com.\par
\par GO TO A LIST OF web postings by our UNA-USA/Northern Colorado CHAPTER.\par
\par To make corrections, additions and other suggestions for this web site, please contact Charlie Notess, webmaster, at: cnotess@greeleynet.com or 970-613-9967 in Loveland, CO. \par
\par To view the national UNA website, click on: UNA-USA web site. \par
\par To view the United Nations website, click on: Welcome to the United Nations, and click on the English word Welcome to view the site in English. A brief historical background on the UN is accessible at: Background. The UN role in International Law is accessible at: International Law.\par
\par To avoid having to type a long URL or web address into your computer each time you wish to view UNA-USA/Northern Colorado Chapter postings, please add our new URL to your list of Favorites or Bookmarks now. As of 9-12-04, the easiest way to access our Northern Colorado-UNA site is to use the URL: (http://notess.com/ncuna). That will obviate your typing in the longer URL which will come up automatically. On many computers all you need to type is: (notess.com/ncuna).\par
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