blog traffic analysis SEEWORDS Flow Chart


%SEEWORDS COMMAND lets you to find ESSAY TITLES with words of interest in them.

 H  at MAIN MENU  will give a flow-chart preview on screens 5, 6 and 7.

********************* ***********
*Press  Esc  to DOS.* *Main Menu*      Alt/S  is the quickest way to SEEWORDS.
********************* ***********
****************   *     *    ******************
*  DICTIONA    *  Esc    *    *    COUNTWDS    * Commands adjacent to SEEWORDS.
****************   *     *    ******************
             *     *     *      *
           PgDn    *   Alt/S   PgUp   How to get    INTO    SEEWORDS COMMAND.
             *     *     *      *
             ********************     SEEWORDS command is explained.
 H  Ky  S  J * SEEWORDS COMMAND *     Use KeyPad to move within explaining text
 Z  F  U  X  ***Ñ*****Ñ***Ñ***Ñ**     Press  Enter  to use SEEWORDS COMMAND.
              Enter   * / *   *
                *             *       Type word(s) and/or fragments of words
                *             *       of interest to you.  Will generate a
                *             *       2nd Menu Rpt. of useful words to use.
                *             *
                *             *        /  will toggle you between the SEEWORDS
²²² Use Keypad keys to move the text up/down on the screen.    Esc  to quit. ²²²
                *             *        /  will toggle you between the SEEWORDS
                *             *       COMMAND within the context of the MAIN
                *             *       MENU and the SEEWORDS COMMAND within the
                *             *       context of the 2ND Menu Rpt.  It is the
       *******************    *       same command, just a different content
       *Type Search Words*    *       on screen when you use SEEWORDS.
       *******************    *
              Enter          Esc
              **Ï*************Ï**     Lists TITLES meeting your search condi-
 H  Ky  S  L  *   TITLES MENU   *     tion.  Use Keypad keys to position a
 Z  F  U      **Ñ*************Ñ**     TITLE of interest at mid-screen.
              Enter          Esc
              **Ï*************Ï**     Presents the TEXT of the ESSAY whose
 H  Ky  S     *  TEXT OF ESSAYS *     TITLE was at mid screen when  Enter  was
 Z  F  U      *******************     pressed.
 P  D

 Esc    Moves back to a previous procedure, up on screen.
 Enter  Moves you into a new procedure,   down on screen.
 Pg     Moves you forward or backward through the COMMANDS, up/down on screen.
 /      Toggles between   MAIN MENU   and   2nd Menu Rpt.,  up/down on screen.
²²² Use Keypad keys to move the text up/down on the screen.    Esc  to quit. ²²²
              **Ï*************Ï**     Presents the TEXT of the ESSAY whose
 H  Ky  S     *  TEXT OF ESSAYS *     TITLE was at mid screen when  Enter    was
 Z   F   U      *******************     pressed.
 P   D

 Esc    Moves back to a previous procedure, up on screen.
 Enter  Moves you into a new procedure,   down on screen.
 Pg     Moves you forward or backward through the COMMANDS, up/down on screen.
 /      Toggles between   MAIN MENU   and   2nd Menu Rpt.,  up/down on screen.
 \      Calls a FLOWCHART HELP screen relevant to current COMMAND on screen.
 H      Press  H  to get contextually relevant HELP screens; then return.
 Ky     Use  Keypad keys to move up/down in the text.    Use  H  to see how.
 S      Press  S  to start a search for a word in text.  Use  H  to see how.
 L      Press  L  to arrange to print ESSAY whose title is at mid-screen.
 P      Press  P   to print the TEXT of the ESSAY which is in top half of screen
 D      Press  D  to save on Disk TEXT the ESSAY which is in top half of screen
 J      Press  J  to call JUMP Menu to find places in the MAIN Menu.
 X      Press  J  to call JUMP Menu to find places in the MAIN Menu.
 Z      Press  Z  to toggle use of one line to show your current menu path.
 F      Press  F  to enter a fix-it comment into the file COMMENTS.RPT
 U      Press  U  to toggle to and from the Tutorial Instructions.


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