Well below, the centered clickable links, lead to the individual essays which contain in decending order the most appearances of link-words related to the name-above in the WEB Address-Line, between the right-most "\" and the following ".htm" extension.
The numbers in the left column below indicate the count of text-lines which do contain the above word/fragment.
Click on a link below to see the associated essay's text, with additional links; including linking back-ward/for-ward in time.
Some brousers you will let you hold-down ALT-Key and use the Left-Arrow/Right-Arrow KEY to back-up/move-forward, through recently viewed-web-pages. Click here to see a list of other-key-words for which there are essay-links as below.
Below, an initial "A" means " century=19"; an initial B" means "century=20, followed by dates of essays in the format cyymmdd#, where # is a counter of essays written within a given day. There are no further instructions/links at the bottom of this page.
Appogies! No list of essays about SANCT has been generated yet.
Count cyymmdd#