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Learn about Students' Rights at Universities and Colleges

Here you can find suggestions regarding how to find out how well any particular university of college takes care of protecting their students' --- in regards to their own Students' Rights to:

1. Share their own relevant opinions without fear of reprisals when any controversial: political, moral, ethical, religious and scientific issues comes up in course-work and in class sessions.

2. Know the Full-Extent of the University's or College's Highest Policies regarding what Students' Rights are under the existing: world, national, state, city, and Institutional Guarantees that pertain to students.

3. Know the proper due-process-procedures to follow --- to get helpful support and counsel in regards to any occassion in which a student suspects that their rights as a student have been violated.

4. Be protected against efforts on the part of domineering people within the university or college to indoctrinate them or to educate them in ways which involve: biased, prejudicial, capricious and/or alienative behaviors which threaten their personal and/or communal integrities.

5. Be protected against abusive behaviors that threaten their: economic, psychological, religious, sexual, gender, religious and/or spiritual lives.

6. Information which the institution is storing about them as students, persons, etc.

7. Know how the institution is preparerd to deal with violence against students on campus.

8. Know how well the Institution is providing educational services to its own students NOW about all of the above issues --- and to have immediate access to unbiased and non-threating help in enjoying their rights as students.

9. Click HERE for an exceedingly useful "Joint Statement on Students' Rights" by the very influential American Association of University Professors and many other supportive organizations who chose to officially support the "Joint Statement on Students' Rights". Some institutions have endorsed the "Joint Statement on Students' Rights" as official institutional policy. Ask your institution if they have done so.

10. Click HERE to visit the National Home Page of the American Civil Liberties Union --- which may be able to help you get legal council in dealing with an educational institution that is behaving like a Domineering Bullie. The ACLU may be able to help you enjoy our rights as a student, but they can not help you if you do not contact them!

Most educational institutions now have an Official Web Site which can be searched in a focused way to find what is said officially about the above issues. There may also be printed Official Documents which may, and may not, match the information on the Official Web Site. Beware of inconsistencies between the two kinds of documents. The inconsistancies may be used to your disadvantage.

If you want to search an Harvard University's Official-Web-Site regarding "students rights" at Harvard, go to and use the search string appearing on the next line by itself.

students rights

You can search any other college or university's official web site about "students rights" by substituting the URL for the other college or university in the place of "" --- while keeping the other characters in the line the same.

Similarly, you can search for other key-words-of-concern-to-you by substituting them in the place of "students rights" --- while puting the institution's official web-site URL following the characters site: as above with Underlined words above in numbered items may be useful to you for such use in searches.

Share what you find with your concerned friends who are shopping for a good university or college to attend!