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Unerstanding Our Polarizations

Working to De-Polarize our Relationships

Click highlighted web-links below to read much more

An essay on polarizations
Polarization-Dynamics and a Passion-for-Inclusion
from the Co-Intelligence Institute, see the next item.

The Co-Intelligence Institute

A web page devoted to activities related to De-Polarization,

see the previous item.

National Coalition for Dialogue and Deliberation
This is a separate home page related to the previous two items.

Lectures of a course on Religion in NC, USA
Reresources from the context of a University in NC, USA
The overall web site has extensive resources about religions!

Essay on Why Fundamentalism is wrong
A web-page among many comentaries related to FUNDAMENTALISM

A USA Southerner's responses to FUNDAMENTALISM
The HOME PAGE of the cowboy-looking Southerner's Web S

A helpful website on intractable polarization & conflict

Offered by

Included are many clickable web-links to additional resources.

Included are hyperlinks back and forth within one paper,

and clickable links to other websites and audio-visuals.

Website on creating peaceful communities

Explore this web site for insights and suggestions to peacemakers.

A USA President's efforts at De-Polarization

This is the residue of President Clinton's efforts at peacemaking.

UCI Police website on conflict resolution

Explore a police department's suggestions on De-Polarization/Conflict-Resolution

A recource regarding community De-Polarization

Explore The Community Association Institute's contributions here

National Coalition for Dialogue and Deliberation

An web-site to facilitate Cooperative Dialogue & Deliberation

Open Source Theology Dialogue Web-Site

An effort to stimulate cooperative Theology <==> God-Talk

Sharing Communal & Collective Inteligence

Come and Share Comunal/Coleective Intelligence Graciously

An Annotated Bibliography by Charlie Notess

An extensive "annotated bibliography" regarding De-Polarization

Home Page of above Bibliography on Depolarizing a Hostile World

An overview of how to understand and facilitate de-polarization

Home Page of CREATIVE RESISTANCE publications

Some responses to domineering bureaucratic govermental actions


A BIBLIOGRAPHY or many related recent books follows below


When Religion Becomes Evil by Charles Kimball 2003 by Harper Collins

One Nation Under Israel by Andrew Hurley 1990 by Truth Press

The 9/11 COMMISSION REPORT 2004 By W.W. Norton

A Just Peace Church edited by Thistlethwaite 1986 United Church Press

The Powers That Be by Walter Wink 1998 by Augsburg Fortress

The SPIRAL STAIRCASE, My Climb out of Darkness by Karen Armstrong

Published in 2004 by Alfred A. Knopf

GOD AGAINST THE GODS, The History of the War between MONOTHEISM

and POLYTHEISM; By Jonathan Kirsch 2004 Penguin Group

The Apocalyptic Jesus, A Debate edited by Robert J. Miller

2001 by Polebridge Press

Christianity without God by Lloyd Geering 2002 Polebridge Press

Tomorrow's God, how we create our worlds

by Lloyd Geering 2000 Polbridge Press

the Once and Future Jesus by The Jesus Seminar

2000 Polebridge Press

the world to come, from christian past to global future

by Lloyd Geering 1999 by Polebridge Press

The Power of NONVIOLENCE by Advocates of PEACE

2002 by Beacon Press, Boston

Terror in the Name of God, Why Religious Militants Kill

by Jessica Stern 2003 by HarperCollinsPublishers

Facing Terrorismn, Responding as Christians by Edward LeRoy Long,Jr.
The above is short, concise, insiteful, perceptive, helpful!