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Links to Action Groups and Resources

Links to Action from The Essays System at

~ Links to Officials' Web Sites ~

Electronic-Media-News from Palestine

Democratic National Committee Web-Site
One of the two Dominant Political Parties in the USA

Feed-Back-Opportunity to the National Democratic Party
This feed-back-opportunity is NOT MULTIPLE CHOICE.
It is essay-format response to open questions! Use the opportunity!

Republican National Committee Web-Site
One of the two Dominant Political Parties in the USA

Kerry-Edwards Official Campaign Web Site
One of the two Dominant Candidates for President of the USA

Bush-Cheney Official Campaign Web Site
One of the two Dominant Candidates for President of the USA

Contacting the Congress Email Gateway
Facilitator for citizens wishing to contact members of congress via email

NSF = National Science Foundation HOME PAGE
The portal to the USA's box of science goodies for all to play with!

NSF Site-Map giving broad overview of just above web-site.
It may be easier to find what is in the above web-site using this web-site!

National Library for the Environment
A wonderful USA resource like a modern-public-encyclopedia for all to make us of!

Site Map giving overview of the just above web-site
Click above to look behind-the-sceens of what all is available!

National Council of Churches
Action oriented web-page of the National Council of Churches

FOR is Fellowship of Reconciliation
Sarted in World War I to promote reconciliation in Space-Ship-Earth.

Non-Partisan LWV National Website facilitating political action
Non-Partisan League of Women Voters helps citizens become informed

BI-Partisan UNA Supports the work of the United Nations
This bipartisan group helps USA citizens become informed about the UN

Official Home Page of the United Nations
This connects to ALL aspects of the United Nations as a whole.

This is the official search engine for the whole UN Web-Site!

About the United Nations
This connects to some web pages describing aspects of the UN

About Main Bodies within the UN
Learn about the many Main Bodies within the UN and what they do for us

Members Nations of the UN
Learn what nations in Space-Ship-Earth are Members of the United Nations

The Situation in Iraq
Learn what the situation is in Iraq from the perspective of the UN

Decade to Overcoming Violence
WORLD-WIDE church efforts to reduce violance around the world.
This is an incredible source of information about resources and action groups!

Middle-East Road-Map
Learn about the Road-Map for resolving conflict, tension, terrorism, and war

Non-VIOLENT RESOLUTION Palestinean/Isreaeli Conflict>
What possibilities for NON-VIOLENT RESOLUTION OF conflicts in the Middle-East

UN Actions to reduce Terrorism
Learn what the UN is doing to reduce Terrorism within Space-Ship-Earth

Statements about the Middle East by Churches
Learn what various church groups have said about the Middle-East

Global Issues on the UN Agenda
Learn what the business of the UN is within Space-Ship-Earth

UN Promoting Civility and Business
Learn how the UN promotes civility, stability, cooperation and good business

Find out about live UN video broadcasts
Sometimes you can watch the UN live over your computer.

The UN Cyber School Bus is Waiting for you
Click into the UN Cyber School Bus, and learn about the UN

Summary of Land-Mine Web-Pages
The above is a farily comprehensive and updated set of Links on Land Mines

This is the HOME PAGE of the site containing the above on Land Mines

Support your own AFFIRMATIONS
Whatever your own key AFFIRMATIONS of
virtues, ideas, values and principles may be, $upport them!
Consider: civility, honesty, humility, kindness, hospitality, distributive-justice.....