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\par Last Updated: 9-12-04.\par
\par The purpose of the Association is expressed in its National Charter as follows:\par
\par The Association shall carry on educational and informational activities so that the people of the United States of America and their government may participate to the greatest extent practicable in the United Nations and other official international and regional organizations functioning in various fields of international cooperation and international law.\par
\par The Association, in order to implement its over-all purpose conducts programs of research, study, and information to: \par
(a) heighten U.S. public awareness and increase public knowledge of global issues and their relation to the United Nations system;
(b) encourage, where appropriate, multilateral approaches in dealing with those issues;
(c) build public support for constructive U.S. policies on matters of global concern; and
(d) enhance the effectiveness of the United Nations and other international institutions.\par
\par ACCESSING THE UNA-USA/Northern Colorado Chapter web pages\par
\par For the URL or web access address, type in the following short URL: (http://notess.com/ncuna).\par \par
\par Add this URL to your list of Favorites, if your Browser is Internet Explorer. If you are using Netscape as your Browser, add the URL to your list of Bookmarks. Then you will be able to go directly to the UNA-USA/NORTHERN COLORADO home page using your list of favorites or bookmarks.\par
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